Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Friday, August 2, 2013

And Now, A###oles, Revisited -- No Connection to Previous Post

Fri. August 2, 2013:

Faithful readers, you have long waited for such a Revisit.  Your patience is hereby rewarded.


              {TO BE STUDIED CAREFULLY:  A Picture Is Sometimes Worth 1,001 Words}

I know you are wanting to thank me.  But that would be misdirected.
The credit belongs to the connoisseur in such matters, and you guessed it, The Aristotle of Arrowsic!

G.O.P. Credibility = 0: The Sunday Talk Shows

Fri. August 2, 2013:

Last Sunday, House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers [Republican from Michigan] came on CBS's Face the Nation and did what all GOP leaders do for every interview anywhere -- especially the SUNDAY TALK SHOWS:

Bob Schieffer:  Mr. Chairman, Egypt is a mess.  What's likely to happen?
Rogers:  Yes, and by the way, Bob, it's all because Obama's at fault.

Bob Schieffer:  And Syria's a mess too.  How will that play out?
Rogers:  Yes, and by the way, Bob, it's all because Obama's at fault.


You gotta give 'em credit.  They "message" much more efficiently than their Democratic counterparts
-- although not for lack of trying by the relatively wimpy Dems.

How to Rescue Dodd-Frank & Obamacare from Grasping Big-Guys?

Fri. August 2, 2013:

