Sunday, March 4, 2012

Mute for Mitt: Michigan as Romney Clincher

Sun. March 4, 2012:

Love him or hate him -- or, as in most cases, neither one! -- we shall look back on Mitt's Feb. 28 narrow win in Michigan as the primary that won him the nomination.  Disappointed vultures within both parties, and especially within the media, had to fly away.  Their prey escaped.

For Obama voters, be somewhat afraid:  Romney will prove by far the hardest among the 7 Republican Dwarves to defeat in the General.   

Still, perhaps Michgan will prove to be an Obama blessing in disguise.  If Santorum had won just 2 more delegates from Michigan, Republican establishment bigwigs might have forced a Chris Christie to enter the race and accept the nomination.  And judging from Gov. Christie's virtuoso performance last Sunday on "Face the Nation," he would be a huge worry for Obama.  Christie may be the most glib, quick-witted, spontaneously brilliant political talker of the age -- arguably even sharper than that champion bullbleeper Bill Clinton, and at least as dangerous a bully & demagogue.  Jeb Bush or Mitch Daniels? Not so much, but at least they don't appear to suffer Mitt's ham-mittedness. 

But it's all mute for Mitt, who is home free now.  And he has Rick Santorum to thank. 
Michigan was Santorum's to win, but as Republican closer, Santorum gave up 5 runs in the 9th inning.
Lest anyone forget:  Mitt will have won this 2012 Republican nomination without  the force of a single compelling idea -- other than, "I may be able to outspend & out-organize even Barack Obama, just as I've done to Pawlenty, Bachmann, Perry, that other Mormon, Gingrich, Santorum, and Paul."   

1 comment:

  1. Officials in Dublin said someone stole the preserved heart of St. Laurence O'Toole, patron saint of Dublin.
    The thieves had previously tried to extract the heart of Mitt Romney, but had been disappointed to find the cavity empty.
    Mitt has a single effective platform: the price of gas, which is artificially elevated by speculators. If some of these speculators or named Koch, they have acted too soon. Watch how this one plays out.
    Meanwhile, everyone is getting tired of the Republicans, mostly Republican voters.
