Monday, September 2, 2013

A House Divided? Or, a House Devoured? John McCain & Saxby Chambliss as TERMITES on the Sunday Talk Shows

Mon. Sept. 2, 2013:

If you missed it, consider yourself lucky.
Termites like John McCain & Saxby Chambliss are not only
leading the Dividing Brigade, for Lincoln's "House Divided."
They are also EATING the USA's house.

On Bob Schieffer's Face the Nation for Sunday, Sept. 1, 2013, Major Garrett was substituting for Schieffer.  Naturally, the topic was President Obama's recent decisions regarding "alleged" use of
chemical weapons in Syria, presumably by the Assad regime, in which over a thousand innocents
died an agonizing, writhing death at the hands of a nerve gas called Sarin.

It will surprise no one that John McCain was one of the featured guests.
It will surprise a few that his usual clone, Lindsay Graham, was not on the show, but Georgia's
Saxby Chambliss instead.

                                  U.S. Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Saxby Chambliss

The fundamental problem with Sunday talk shows is,
every Republican is under coordinated GOP orders
to criticize President Obama one way or another -- no matter what the circumstances, no matter what the issue, no matter what the president's policy.  Democratic spokespersons, for their part, doubtless operate under reverse instructions.

It does not occur to these Numbskulls, that their credibility among those seeking fair & truthful answers
is Zero.  This by itself divides & eats the USA's house.

But McCain, and Chambliss, took extra bites & mouthfuls.  (Bitesfromedwin knows bites):

1.  McCain claimed that Obama was 2 years too late, in entering the Syrian civil war.
He never acknowledged how U.S. financial or military involvement could blow up in our face -- 2 years ago, now, or 2 years from now.

2.  McCain boasted about his own [gratuitous?  expensive?] visit to Syria, and said he could assure us that the Syrian opposition forces he met were not Al Qaeda or other bad-guy terrorists.

This 2nd statement is infuriatingly misleading:  Any bad-guy terrorists among the opposition would not even pass the security check, for any Advance-people's preparations for McCain's trip!
For McCain to try assuring the American people that the Syrian opposition is pure as the driven snow, on the basis of his V.I.P. hotshot Senator trip to Syria, IS A JOKE.

Did Major Garrett call him on it?  Hardly.
Virginia's Tim Kaine tried to give a counter-view, but it too ignored the specious criticisms coming from McCain.

Either Garrett or Kaine should have asked McCain:

If you were president, would you have committed us to jumping in on the side of the rebels 2 years ago? What form would this have taken?
What risks would be involved?  Would a President McCain intervention have infuriated the whole muslim Middle East?
How reliable is the Opposition coalition?  How do you separate the reliable allies from the terrorists in this
Opposition coalition?
Are chemical weapons a "red line" to a President McCain?   If so, how do you eliminate them, or at least neutralize them, without starting another Quagmire?

So Termite McCain kept nibbling against every President Obama decision, as Termite Chambliss took his own knee-jerk mouthfulls.  Republican puppeteers must be quite satisfied with these 2 guys' delivery of the Sunday Morning talking-points -- without fear of challenge or contradiction,
from Anchor
or Rival Guests.

Any president of the USA should have his/her decisions questioned, but by Loyal Opposition.
McCain's & Chambliss's opposition is mandated by the Republican game plan.
Week after week, the designated GOP voice comes on the Sunday Talk Shows to attack, attack, attack.

It's dangerous enough to play these "democracy" games about domestic issues.
But for matters like a possible Foreign War, our citizens deserve -- NEED -- nonpartisan discussion.

These Termites are not only doing the "dividing" in Lincoln's "House Divided."  
They are eating Our House until it crumbles,
just to bring down its temporary landlord -- one particular president and his political party.  

1 comment:

  1. A trusted source reports that on his first flesh-n-blood sight of Senator McCain, he was reminded of an angry little terrier. But termite works, too. Termites and turtles rule the GOP, cool beans.
