Thursday, June 12, 2014

"The President is taking a nap" -- Boehner's Latest Idiocy Breaks Bites's Silence

Thu. June 12, 2014:

                                                      Senator Dick Durbin (D-Illinois)

The usual GOP suspects -- John Boehner, Lindsay Graham, and John Shoulddabeenpresident McCain -- are once again leading the news cycle with totally bullbleep 2nd-guessings.
Take your pick:  Bergdahl, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine.

But in a way, the bigger criticism should go to the Wimp Democratic Party.
Once again, as with Obamacare and countless other issues, they allow the GOP to frame any upcoming debate.

Where is a Dick Durbin or Chuck Schumer?
What's wrong with one of them calling a press conference, to preempt the GOP's complete lack of credibility with a statement like the following:

Folks, in the next 24-48 hours, you are likely to hear the following drivel from our reliably noncredible Republican version of "loyal opposition":
1.  Obama should have left Bergdahl to rot in a terrorist prison.
2.  Obama should have kept sending US troops to the Iraq meat-grinder [where Iraqis in 2003 would "welcome our soldiers as conquering heroes"], to boost Al-Maliki's regime.
3.  Obama should have sent military advice and war materiel, including surface-to-air missiles to the "good guys among Syrian insurgents," to force Assad out.

And, here's why each whine is worse than silence, from any Loyal Opposition party when they are out of power in our USA political system.  
Each criticism is dead wrong, and ignores all refuting evidence.
Their hate-Obama reflex, on every single issue since 2009, eliminates their role as a helpful source of advice. The president, as usual, is left completely on his own, when a united front with credible & helpful critiques would serve our country.
And my fellow Democrats have undermined the president with their own silence.
That's why I, Dick Durbin/Chuck Schumer, am not going to take it any more.
Here, specifically, is what's completely wrong with each Fox News & GOP misinformation:
1.  McCain himself, for example, supported bargaining for release of Bergdahl, weeks ago . . . 
2.  Our public opinion overwhelmingly opposes any more senseless sacrifices of our troops in an Iraq whose government & people are conspicuously uncommitted & ungrateful for our troops' prior sacrifices . . . 
3.  Arm-chair critics like Senator McCain and Robert Ford totally ignore the major difficulty of sending military weapons to a tiny sliver of "good guy" Syrian opposition that has always been too weak to guarantee that items like Surface-to-Air missiles won't fall into terrorist hands, for use against western commercial airlines, among numerous other targets . . .   

BUT NO!  The Dick Durbins and Chuck Schumers have said nothing to keep Common Sense in control.

                                                Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to BITES! And I see Bites has not lost its incisors. Democrats have been wimpy for a long time. What happened to :Martin.., Barton.., and FISH"?
