Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Buddy Knox & the Rhythm Orchids, "Party Doll"

Wed. Jan. 11, 2012:

The nation holds its breath:
Now, the Palmetto State may be the last chance to stop Romney's massive ground game.
If not, the party of Lincoln will find itself committed to what Abe himself called -- and in my home town of Rockford, Illinois! -- the 2nd "twin relic of barbarism" [the 1st being slavery] back in 1856.

Required reading from today's NYT
Maureen Dowd, "A Perfect Doll."
Watch for lots of negative ads fed by Gingrich & Perry superpacs.  Have fun calculating when the GOP "Establishment" slaps the Gag Rule on these "out-of-bounds" [Limbaugh's words] slurs of the GOP's anointed "Dog in the Hunt" [so to speak].


  1. Gail Collins has a pretty good ground game, too:

  2. And there's this from The Newt - who let the dogs out?
