Thursday, January 19, 2012

Searching for Fairness in Conservative Sources

Thu. Jan. 19, 2012

The Wall Street Journal used to be a reliable & reasonable conservative source, and occasionally it still has occasional even-handedness.  But you know it has lost something when Rupert puts banner ads for Hannity or O'Reilly on the bottom of page one.

The National Review Online is at least thoughtful, and aspires toward William F. Buckley level of conservativism, no matter how often it falls woefully short.  One reliably brilliant humor column is Rob Long's "The Long View."

And, check out the blog, by a University of Tennessee professor.  He is definitely a conservative, although he describes himself even more as a "libertarian."
He is among those who think Attorney General Eric Holder is the most incompetent Justice Department head ever, but he does not hesitate to blast idiotic Republican behavior.

NYT's "lefty" columnist Nicholas D. Kristof reinforces the point in yesterday's point about labor unions' going too far.  Republican governors like Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Mitch Daniels of Indiana, and Chris Christy of New Jersey have all gone a bit overboard in their anti-union attacks, but even Kristof concedes the following:
     In the postwar years, labor unions became greedy and rewarded themselves with feather-bedding
     and rigid work rules -- turning much of the public against them.  Likewise, Wall Street feather-
     bedding is tarnishing the public image of banks and business and undermining confidence in
     capitalism itself.

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