Tuesday, February 5, 2013

1832 South Carolina Nullies Reborn: Notable Quote

Tues. Feb. 5, 2013:


"F<^>ing Awesome!"
                                                                                 -- Joe Flacco, nullifying polite society

[Guatemala's genocidal former dictator Efrain Rios Montt got a] "bum rap"
                                                                                     -- Ronald Reagan, nullifying American values

Guns were not to blame, he said, but a nationwide movement away from God and prayer.
     -- The Reverend Ray Layton, asked what caused the shooting death of an Alabama bus-driver,
         nullifying Aurora, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, et alia


Then, there's the en masse avowed Nullification -- refusal to enforce Federal Laws -- by various rural sheriffs all over the USA.  [Doesn't this violate their sworn allegiance to the Constitution, Laws, and Treaties of the U.S.?   It is known as the Supremacy Clause of Article VI of the 1787 U.S. Constitution, and South Carolina's "nullifiers" tried to
ignore Federal Tariffs in 1832!] 

Read, and shake your head:


“As Sheriff, I will not enforce unconstitutional federal laws,” [Larimer County (Colorado) Sheriff Justin Smith] wrote.
Over the past several weeks, dozens of other sheriffs from across the country have reacted with similar public opposition to Mr. Obama’s call for stiffer gun laws, releasing a deluge of letters, position papers and statements laying out their arguments in stark terms. Their jurisdictions largely include rural areas, and stand in sharp contrast to those of urban police chiefs, who have historically supported tougher gun regulations.
“I don’t plan on helping or assisting with any of the federal gun laws because I have the U.S. Supreme Court and the U.S. Constitution on my side,” said Sheriff John Cooke of Weld County, Colo. Sheriff Cooke said that he believed a ban on assault weapons would do little and that universal background checks would unfairly halt private gun sales.
“Let the federal government do their own dirty work,” he added.
Last week the County Sheriffs of Colorado, which represents the state’s 64 sheriffs, released a position paper expressing the group’s opposition to gun regulation — including bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and the mandate of a statewide database for concealed carry permit holders. The group said it was more important to focus on improving mental health care to prevent mass shootings.
The Utah Sheriffs’ Association outlined an even stronger sentiment in a recent letter to Mr. Obama stating that no federal official would be permitted to take away its constituents’ Second Amendment rights.
The sheriffs said they were “prepared to trade our lives” to preserve a traditional interpretation of the Constitution.
Sheriffs across a range of counties in Arizona, Kentucky, Oregon and other states have also weighed in publicly, suggesting they, too, would refuse to enforce gun laws they felt violated the Second Amendment.
Last week in Wisconsin, Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. of Milwaukee County released a public service announcement urging citizens to arm themselves, saying that waiting for the police was no longer the best option.
“You can beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed or you can fight back,” Sheriff Clarke said in the recording.