Thursday, January 31, 2013

"We, the People": The REAL Gun Villains?

Thu. Jan. 31, 2013:

Well, folks, the REAL "Bad Guys" -- made famous by Wayne LaPierre [the CEO of the NRA] --  turn out to be both the bad guys with guns AND the good guys with guns.  The latter, with rare exceptions, just have to cry "2nd Amendment."  They might as well cry "Wolf," but it's probably enough to defeat any meaningful Gun Safety Reform.  

Read, and weep.  If you're too busy for 5 items, then just read #1 & #3:

NY State gun rights people believe the robo-calls they receive from the NRA:  "Organize, before Obama's gun-grabbing takes your 2nd Amendment away!"

"Perhaps I am completely naive about politics, but this article did not even mention the possibility that one of our elected representatives might vote his or her conscience on this issue.  It seems clear that at least some of our representatives believe that our current lack of gun limitations is unconscionable, but evidently less important than re-election.  The National Rifle Association mocks common sense, ginning up false arguments to appease its base and stay in business.  Do our representatives in Washington act any differently?"

A horrifying account of how so many guns accumulate in Chicago for more than 500 Chicago gun deaths
in 1 year -- despite strict gun laws within Chicago.

A hurricane changed novelist Justin Cronin's mind, to favor owning firearms.  But he still ridicules the NRA.

Joe Nocero's individualized list of one week's gun casualties around the USA.

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