Monday, March 18, 2013

Unusual Outrage, After A Krugman Article

Mon. March 18, 2013:

Maybe I've been sucked in, to agree about a "deficit crisis."
What interests me here is NOT Krugman's point about the press failing to challenge entry into the Iraq 
war 10 years ago this week -- although now it does appear to be true.

What is really fascinating is the pent-up rage of reactions in the spool of emails right afterwards.

And this time, each email reaction gets a thumbs-up from huge numbers of readers -- agreeing that our whole system is coopted by phony consensus-mongers.
You'll note that one of the emails agrees with you, that every elected official should get voted out.
These protests do not spare Obama, or PBS.
It may help explain why Ron Paul has such appeal, sometimes on-target, sometimes off-target.  Some of the frustrateds see nowhere else to turn.

1 comment:

  1. doncha think theres a chance now that an asswhole will be called an asswhole and the phony equal time equal respect from the l.s. media will gradually subside and rationality will prevail. no not a chance
