Friday, February 3, 2012

Readings for the Fair-Minded Nonpartisans

Fri. Feb. 3,2012:

Younger readers have less time than retirees to scour the news.  For them, NYT this week proves that it can publish good ideas from both right & left, perhaps hoping that the next generation can fix USA's broken political system:

1.  NYT, Wed. Feb. 1, 2012:  "Fair Play Had Nothing To Do With It."  A depressing story of a high school baseball coach facing Catch-22 AND Kafkaesque red tape simply to appeal charges against him.  Although the article does not say so, this is Exhibit A for why there is such frustration about government bureaucracy at every level.  Score 1 for Republicans.

2.  On p. A18 in the same paper, an article on rich patrons taking advantage of the 2010 Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court, benefitting both Obama & Romney:
"The figures [on massive funds already raised by Obama & Romney] underscored the deep divide between how each party's presidential contenders are financing their early bids for the White House:  Mr. Obama exploiting the well-oiled machinery of an incumbent with a powerful grass-roots apparatus and hundreds of 'bundlers' gathering checks of up to $2,500 per person from friends and associates, and his Republican opponents relying far more heavily on independent groups empowered by court decisions that have made it easier for wealthy individuals and corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money to intervene directly in election contests."

3.  On p. A19, Robert Pear's "Economy Is Projected to Remain Sluggish" sums up the latest economy forecast from the Congressional Budget Office:
"The report provided grist for both parties.  Republicans said it showed that President Obama's policies were not working, as evidenced by the high [$1.1 trillion for the current fiscal year], the rapidly increasing debt, and continued high unemployment.  However, Democrats said the report confirmed their argument that new revenue, as well as spending cuts, would be needed to solve the nation's fiscal problems, and that a stronger economy was the best way to reduce the deficit."

4.  On p. A25, Louis Hyman shows that in the 1960's, both Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson AND  Republican Mitt's dad George C. Romney were responsible for originating the mortgage-backed securities which have caused such a devastating burst-housing-bubble of the 21st Century.  Warns Hyman:  "Mitt Romney, the other Republican candidates, and President Obama should consider the lessons of George Romney and remember that it's not enough just to stop what's not working.  We also have to figure out what really works."

5.  NYT's lead editorial on p. A24, "Making It Worse in Europe," demonstrates that the very austerity policies which Republicans promote in the USA, are what prevent Europe's economic recovery.

6.  To save the Republican & Democratic parties from their own extremists, reading yesterday's Nicholas Kristof's "Where Are The [George] Romney Republicans" is MUST READING.
NYT, Thu. Feb. 2, 2012, p. A25.

7.  Did anyone see Elizabeth Warren -- Massachusetts presumptive Democrat candidate for Ted Kennedy's [and now incumbent Scott Brown's] US Senate seat -- on John Stewart's "Daily Show" this past week?  She may make a fine Senator, but note this prediction:  she'll never get that far if she does not change her hard-driving, humorless, seemingly shrill persona, on full display with John Stewart.
He even joked about it.


1 comment:

  1. george romney was a good fella and blunt, wasnt he? wonder what he'd think of his son. i have a post about caucuses on my blog today -
