Monday, February 6, 2012

Republicans: Superior Fighters, Inferior Thinkers?

Mon. Feb. 6, 2012:

At the moment, Republicans appear to be tougher in the trenches.
1.  Since Jan. 2009, they have succeeded in framing overspending & overtaxing as a given.
2.  In Feb. 2012, they are effectively attacking Obama on his decision to delay the Keystone Pipeline project.
3.  Ditto on Kathleen Sebelius "infringing religious freedom" with her recent decision about the federal government "requiring contraception" for Catholic women in universities & other institutions receiving federal aid.
4. Today, on Feb. 6, Senate Republicans wore down Harry Reid & his Senate Democrats to allow a major anti-union portion to a jobs bill.

On ideas:
1.  Republicans fail to see that -- although annual deficit reduction & national debt reduction are urgent as soon as the economy rights itself -- such moves are actually counterproductive while "entitlement" recipients need to be able to spend on consumer goods & pay tax revenues.
2.  Republican claims of businesses not hiring because they are "spooked by a climate of regulatory uncertainty" have no demonstrable basis in fact.
3.  Republicans' claims since Jan. 2009 that Obama is a radical socialist fly in the face of liberals' own complaints vs. Obama.  See Neal Gabler, "The Liberal Case Against Obama," Boston Globe,
Sat. Feb. 4, 2012 [].
4.  Even Republicans fail to see the appeal of Ron Paul's cheap spending habits on the campaign trail.
Compare Rick Perry's $1,204 tab at the Hilton Gardens Inn in Council Bluffs, Iowa, with Ron Paul's
$64.38 at a Super 8 motel -- not to mention Ron Paul's Walmart, Dollar Tree, McDonald's.  [Ibid.]
5.  They refuse to see that 2010's Citizens United ruling, plus decades of bipartisan fundraising escalation, now enables the "liberal" Boston Globe of Sat. Feb. 4 to carry the following AP story:
"President Obama met yesterday with around 25 wealthy donors who paid $35,800 each to talk with him behind closed doors at a Washington hotel."  Romney prefers the equally attractive "noncoordinated" Super Pacs raising hundreds of millions.

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