Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday in 3 Parts: 3rd Part As Uncharming Charm

Sunday, Sept. 30, 2012:               PART THREE

And now, Gentle Readers, we turn to the following Pieces de Resistance,

compliments of The Aristotle of Arrowsic:

1.  No matter how busy you are, DO NOT FAIL TO OPEN THIS LINK!

2.  DITTO!

3.  A-words OTHER than Aristotle OR Arrowsic:

4.  E-words OTHER than [bitesfrom]Edwin:

Sunday in 3 Parts: 2nd, Juicy Partisans In Print

Sunday, Sept. 30, 2012:             PART 2


President Obama's Shameful "Happy Talk" About NFL Officials Settling:

In the Massachusetts Senate Race, Elizabeth Warren is a phony Robin Hood:


Mitt Romney As Confidence Fairy

The iPhone5 As John Maynard Keynes-style Stimulus

Sunday in 3 Parts: 1st, Worthwhile Nonpartisans

Sunday, Sept. 30, 2012:         PART ONE

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Time for An Orgy of Anti-Obama Articles

Wed. Sept. 26, 2012:

Fairest-minded Readers in the blogosphere,
a backlog of vituperation towards Obama needs your consideration.

For the busy, read just the first.
But hopefully, even the busy can at least SKIM each of the following, for gyst:

Jeffrey Goldberg:  Obama has screwed up terribly, with his whole Mideast policy.

It's the Democratic [oops, "Democrat"] party -- not the Republicans -- who have moved so far from the center; no more FDR centrism.

Obama is to blame for teachers' unions, and other unions, struggling today -- NOT Reagan's actions against Patco [air traffic controllers' union] back in 1981.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Only Fair: 85 Anti-Obama Cartoons

Mon. Sept. 24, 2012:

Gentle readers, we have burdened you with cartoon after cartoon, but most of them have seemed to favor the Democratic [oops, sorry, "Democrat"] side.

In the interest of Equal Air Time,
here are not just one, but EIGHTY-FIVE [85] cartoons ripping Obama.

Will these give Mitt a comeback win on Nov. 6?
They just might.  The upcoming debates loom as a big pitfall for Obama & Biden.
Obama has nothing to gain, and everything to lose.
Incumbent gets brought down to the same stage-level as the challenger.
Romney has debated so often, his skills may be sharper than Obama's.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Hedrick Smith & Paul Krugman: Best of the Week

Mon. Sept. 10, 2012:

Two outstanding articles, which even the young & busy should read:

1.  Hedrick Smith, "When Capitalists Cared:  Henry Ford recognized that business succeeds when workers do":


"In the rancorous debate over how to get the sluggish economy moving, we have forgotten the wisdom of Henry Ford.  In 1914, not long after the Ford Motor Company came out with the Model T, Ford made the startling announcement that he would pay his workers the unheard-of-wage of $5 a day.

Not only was it a matter of social justice, Ford wrote, but paying high wages was also smart business.
When wages are low, uncertainty dogs the marketplace and growth is weak.  But when pay is high and steady, Ford asserted, business is more secure because workers earn enough to become good customers.  They can afford to buy Model Ts . . . "

"Today the prevailing cut-to-the-bone business ethos means that a company like Caterpillar demands a wage freeze and lower health benefits from its workers, while posting record profits . . . "

"It's time for America's business elites to step beyond political rhetoric about protecting wealthy 
'job creators' an grasp Ford's insight:  Give the middle class a better share of the nation's economic gains, and the economy will grow faster.  Our history shows that."

2.  Paul Krugman, "Rosie Ruiz Republicans:  Political fakery, fiscal and otherwise":


[Maybe GOP veep candidate Paul Ryan really does have a problem with the truth?
Now, he has been caught telling a fib about running a sub-3 hour marathon.]

"Mr. Ryan tried to laugh the whole thing off as a simple error.  But serious runners find that implausible:  the difference between sub-three and over-four is the difference between extraordinary and perfectly ordinary, and it's not something a runner could get wrong, unless he's a fabulist who imagines his own reality . . . "

"What makes this incident so striking is . . . the way it resonates with the essential Rosie-Ruizness of Mr. Ryan's whole political persona, which is built around big boasts about accomplishments he hasn't accomplished." 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

"Dem./GOP" Label = Personal Identity to Defend

Sun. Sept. 9, 2012:              PART TWO

This time, dear Readers, you need to suck it up and read ALL of the items below.
As the 2012 election campaign unfolds, one of our young but insightful Readers has observed:

In political discourse, even highly intelligent people in the USA's democratic republic use their intellects NOT to seek truth wherever facts may lead -- but to defend one's "Democratic" or "Republican" label as the biggest part of her or his personal identity.

You use your brain to justify your Ego's earlier choice of party, rather than to keep an open mind.
If you argue against my label, my party -- you are calling me evil and/or stupid.
You are with us, or against us.
You are blue-eyed, or brown-eyed.

If someone can invent a way to overcome this aspect of the Human Condition,
please step forward and save the planet from endless violence, and the USA from Civil War #2.

Eckhart Tolle has tried, in The Power of Now and sequels.
Are there others?


Here are 3 examples of good strong NYT op-ed pieces:

One of them, DAVID BROOKS,  may please a conservative, by eloquently expressing -- from the middle of the political spectrum --  disappointment with his prior vote supporting President Obama.

Two of them insult a conservative's GOP label, and therefore his/her ego.

1.  "The Hex on Paul Ryan:  The Veep Nod is Much More of a Punishment than a Promotion."

2.  "Mr. Bernanke's Next Task"

"According to Mr. Bernanke, the economy is being held back by a sluggish housing market; counterproductive fiscal policy, and both the federal government and the states cut spending in the face of weak growth; and the euro crisis, which hurts the United States because of trade and financial links to Europe . . . 

"Unfortunately, meaningful progress on housing and fiscal policy requires Congress to act.  Congressional Republicans, however, have long resisted efforts to revive growth on the theory that a weak economy will help them regain the White House . . .

"That leaves the Fed [i.e., the Federal Reserve Bank] the only entity with the autonomy and the power to take action."

Delicious Invective, from Right & Left

Sun. Sept. 9, 2012:             PART ONE

Dear Readers, Once in a blue moon, pundits spin insults so delectable that you want more.

As a public service -- or should one say pubic -- here's one from the Right, and one from the Left.

[Note "his adorable daughters Bulimia & Sausage."  Or, "his steroided wife Michelle."]

And now, for those insufficiently offended:

Why Mitt Romney Reminds Me of a Lobster - Huffington Post

Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Bubba-hater Tips His Hat: Bill's Great Speech

Sat. August 8, 2012:

Slick Willie may have issued filthy pardons to crooks, rented the Lincoln Bedroom, Whitewatered and bought silence, cavorted with women younger than his own daughter.
But Billy's speech proves him to be a way better politician than socialist community organizer Barack.
Republican leaders are evidently Guilty As Charged [by Billy], 
because so far they haven't even tried to rebut a serious charge.  Not a peep, y'notice?  Billy got 'em dead to rights.

Sample Clinton charges, met with deafening GOP silence:

1.  Ike sent in Federal Troops to enforce desegregation of Little Rock High in Bill's Arkansas, 1957-1958.
[One shudders to think what a Tea Partier would have done about Little Rock High
-- including "severe conservatives" like Paul Ryan, if not Mitt.  
Or even those southern white pseudo-Christian ministers in Birmingham, who scolded jail-bound MLK for pushing way too fast -- nearly 100 years after the 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments.

2.  Republicans "seem to hate" Obama.
[After the speech, Bill told one reporter, "They disliked me enough to impeach me,
but they never asked to see my birth certificate!"]

Bill, you're a sleaze-ball, but you really convicted the nuckle-draggers among the GOP -- and you'll notice that did NOT include the 2 Bushes, nor Ike, nor Nixon, nor Reagan, nor Dick Lugar -- Lugar the Unsung Hero of rounding up Loose Nukes from ex-USSR et alia, sometimes at his own expense, along with Sam Nunn.]

Emperor Paul Ryan's clothes fell off, "brass" and all. 
 "Ryan looked right into the TV camera, and called it a cold chilling blow to America
GOP response so far?  ZE-RO.

3.  "Obamacare," that Tea Party bogeyman, got the defense that Obama's team has not been able to articulate since 2010.
Is Bill NUTS?!?  Defending that poisonous socialist healthcare to America's future?
Not to mention Medicaid, which will no longer enable me to linger in a nursing home.

4.  Auto bailout.  
This morning on TV, Bill added, "Tea Partiers won't buy a bailout car, out of pure hatred for Obama."
"I never learned to hate Republicans.  Why do they hate their fellow Americans?"

5.  Allegedly "no jobs."  "Obama rescued 10 gazillion jobs; "House Republicans, ZE-RO."

6.  "We Republicans left Obama a terrible mess.  
Four years wasn't enough for him to finish cleaning it up.  
So let's fire him and give it back to us, and of course we shall fix it."

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Breaking News! OK to Lie Just 27% of the Time

Sun. Sept. 2, 2012:

It's official, dear Readers:
Even Fox News acknowledges that lies abounded in Ryan's and Romney's speeches at Tampa.

But lying by politicians is nothing new.

What IS new, and deeply disturbing, is that to lie LESS than the other guy has become a virtue!

One of my favorite columnists betrays his own guilt on this score.
See if you can find it, in his column yesterday, joining the chorus of complaints about the Romney/Ryan speeches' multiple lies:

Did y'all find the Charles Blow's most discouraging passage?

Media-ite’s Tommy Christopher looked at the fact-checking site PolitiFact’s tallies on Aug. 10 and found that:
“Mitt Romney’s statements have been judged Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire 46 percent of the time, versus only 29 percent for President Obama. In the Pants on Fire category alone, Romney is more than four times as likely to suffer trouser immolation thanthe president. Nearly 1 in 10 statements by Romney earned flaming slacks, versus 1 out of every 50 for Obama.”
On Friday, PolitiFact still had Romney’s statements as Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire 42 percent of the time, compared with 27 percent of the time for Obama.

So now, for Thomas Christopher, and evidently for his quoter Charles Blow himself,
Obama's record of "ONLY 29%" falsehoods back in August, or "27 percent of the time" on Friday,

Ponder this as you go about your day,
O Ye Young & Busy Readers, if you must stop reading here.

Readers with more time:
Do you still think it's just more Liberals' whining about GOP lies?
See for yourself:

"Facts Take a Beating in Acceptance Speeches"

Or, "Romney Reinvents History"


Mitt Romney wrapped the most important speech of his life, for Thursday night’s session of his convention, around an extraordinary reinvention of history — that his party rallied behind President Obama when he won in 2008, hoping that he would succeed. “That president was not the choice of our party,” he said. “We are a good and generous people who are united by so much more than divides us.”

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Readers’ Comments

Readers shared their thoughts on this article.
The truth, rarely heard this week in Tampa, Fla., is that the Republicans charted a course of denial and obstruction from the day Mr. Obama was inaugurated, determined to deny him a second term by denying him any achievement, no matter the cost to the economy or American security — even if it meant holding the nation’s credit rating hostage to a narrow partisan agenda.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

W. Va.: Money, Lies, and Election-gate, USA/2012

Sat. Sept. 1, 2012:

Worthy Readers, now that it's September and the November 2012 election campaigns move into the home stretch, Your Reading may not be enough.

You may also need to spread the word, such as the following
West Virginia story.

Unless voters realize what they're doing, they will soon reward
a campaign based on huge influence-money, big lies, and stunning examples of election corruption that would horrify our Founding Fathers.

For the young & busy, here's the West Virginia story.
Read, cringe, and get your friends to VOTE, no matter what the inconvenience:

                                         Don Blankenship, former chief of Massey Energy

A few years ago, West Virginia gave us a taste of what national politics could look like once corporations really take an interest in deploying their cash.
In 2002, a jury in West Virginia ordered the AT Massey Coal Company to pay out $50 million to plaintiffs. During the appeals process, Massey’s chief executive at the time, Don Blankenship, got involved in the campaign to unseat a justice on the state’s highest court — spending $3 million of his own money to support an ally, Brent Benjamin.

Of course, he won. When Massey’s appeal was heard in 2007 and again in 2008, Justice Benjamin joined 3-2 majorities to overturn the award.
The United States Supreme Court saved West Virginia from this apparent purchase of justice — but with only a 5-4 majority and on narrow grounds. Justice Benjamin, it ruled, should have recused himself to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest. On the broader issue, the attempt to buy power, the court passed.

[The 2012 Election will be the 1st one held after the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling.]
From today's title, there's your West Virginia, and your Money.  Lies & Election-gate follow.


PLEASE, IF you have more reading time:
"Ryan's Speech Contained a Litany of Falsehoods"

Notice worrisome Lies and ["Election-gate"] voter-ID & registration scams [just this week overturned by federal judges in Ohio & Texas].

And, notice how these Lies & election scams, plus huge Money, may
doom your family, your nation, and your planet to 4 years or even 8 years of a new government premised on a non-democratic, non-republican fraud.

Can't mince words here:
Although Democratic party campaigners are no angels,
so far the champions of falsehood in 2012 are a Republican campaign so cynical that its leaders have brushed aside complaints in a manner reminiscent of a 1930's German propaganda minister:
Our Speeches Will Not Be Dictated By Fact-checking websites.

The sheer scale of GOP lying should frighten:

1.  The GOP Convention slogan "We Built It" is based on such a distortion of one phrase within an Obama statement, that it would be like next week's Democratic Convention pasting every Charlotte, NC wall with Romney's off-hand joke, "I Like Firing People."

2.  "Obama is robbing Medicare of $716 billion," says Romney/Ryan.  For one thing, that figure is

from projected savings taken out of wasted hospital & insurance expenses -- NOT from Medicare recipients!
For another, Ryan's alternative proposal -- replacing Medicare with a "voucher" option, but only for those 55 and older {since his "voucher" option would understandably scare
the hell out of THEM!} -- reckons the exact same figure as Obama's, $716 billion!
Ryan's [and Romney's] Medicare claims are breathtaking.

3.  Ryan alone peddles several other lies.  Here's a sample:
"Obama did not save our Janesville, Wisconsin GM plant, as he had promised."

 Never mind that the GM Janesville closing decision occurred before Obama was even elected president!  Never mind that President Obama's auto industry bailout did indeed enable many other US auto plants to rebound -- although too late for GM's prior Janesville shutdown.

4.  And another:  "Obama rejected Simpson-Bowles" [the bipartisan commission's debt-reduction proposals].  Actually, Obama did NOT reject it, but suggested it could not get enacted until after another round of Congressional elections.

And Paul Ryan himself?
He voted against these proposals [which preserved current Medicare], as a member of that same Simpson-Bowles Commission!
Never mentions this in his Tampa speech, and the GOP audience was too rapturous to care.

5.  And another:

"Obama has dropped the work requirement from a Clinton Era work-for-welfare-payments program."  Complete distortion of a state-requested Obama step enabling state officials to use their discretion in a few extreme hardship cases.

6.  Even non-partisan pundits are conceding the point that Romney is a
"successful" businessman.


Even beyond a few businesses he helped ruin at Bain,
consider this confidential [if unattributed] nugget:

"On paper, Mr. Romney lost tens of millions of dollars on investments, according to a person close to him speaking only on condition of anonymity, who described it as a 'huge hit.' "
[NYT, Thu. August 30, 2012].

7.  Is Romney getting away with never releasing more than his 2011 & 2012 income tax returns?

"Taxes" are CRUCIALLY RELEVANT  to any Romney Administration's fiscal policy -- not to mention his promise to "restore 12 million jobs" [details AFTER the election] through
cutting taxes on the rich and de-regulating throughout banking & Wall Street & commerce & manufacturing.