Sunday, September 2, 2012

Breaking News! OK to Lie Just 27% of the Time

Sun. Sept. 2, 2012:

It's official, dear Readers:
Even Fox News acknowledges that lies abounded in Ryan's and Romney's speeches at Tampa.

But lying by politicians is nothing new.

What IS new, and deeply disturbing, is that to lie LESS than the other guy has become a virtue!

One of my favorite columnists betrays his own guilt on this score.
See if you can find it, in his column yesterday, joining the chorus of complaints about the Romney/Ryan speeches' multiple lies:

Did y'all find the Charles Blow's most discouraging passage?

Media-ite’s Tommy Christopher looked at the fact-checking site PolitiFact’s tallies on Aug. 10 and found that:
“Mitt Romney’s statements have been judged Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire 46 percent of the time, versus only 29 percent for President Obama. In the Pants on Fire category alone, Romney is more than four times as likely to suffer trouser immolation thanthe president. Nearly 1 in 10 statements by Romney earned flaming slacks, versus 1 out of every 50 for Obama.”
On Friday, PolitiFact still had Romney’s statements as Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire 42 percent of the time, compared with 27 percent of the time for Obama.

So now, for Thomas Christopher, and evidently for his quoter Charles Blow himself,
Obama's record of "ONLY 29%" falsehoods back in August, or "27 percent of the time" on Friday,

Ponder this as you go about your day,
O Ye Young & Busy Readers, if you must stop reading here.

Readers with more time:
Do you still think it's just more Liberals' whining about GOP lies?
See for yourself:

"Facts Take a Beating in Acceptance Speeches"

Or, "Romney Reinvents History"


Mitt Romney wrapped the most important speech of his life, for Thursday night’s session of his convention, around an extraordinary reinvention of history — that his party rallied behind President Obama when he won in 2008, hoping that he would succeed. “That president was not the choice of our party,” he said. “We are a good and generous people who are united by so much more than divides us.”

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Readers’ Comments

Readers shared their thoughts on this article.
The truth, rarely heard this week in Tampa, Fla., is that the Republicans charted a course of denial and obstruction from the day Mr. Obama was inaugurated, determined to deny him a second term by denying him any achievement, no matter the cost to the economy or American security — even if it meant holding the nation’s credit rating hostage to a narrow partisan agenda.

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