Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Time for An Orgy of Anti-Obama Articles

Wed. Sept. 26, 2012:

Fairest-minded Readers in the blogosphere,
a backlog of vituperation towards Obama needs your consideration.

For the busy, read just the first.
But hopefully, even the busy can at least SKIM each of the following, for gyst:

Jeffrey Goldberg:  Obama has screwed up terribly, with his whole Mideast policy.

It's the Democratic [oops, "Democrat"] party -- not the Republicans -- who have moved so far from the center; no more FDR centrism.

Obama is to blame for teachers' unions, and other unions, struggling today -- NOT Reagan's actions against Patco [air traffic controllers' union] back in 1981.

1 comment:

  1. Would you entrust your money to Bloomberg or the "new" Aussie WSJ? Hope not.
    As for the Bloomberg, check this:
    from Israel.
