Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Bubba-hater Tips His Hat: Bill's Great Speech

Sat. August 8, 2012:

Slick Willie may have issued filthy pardons to crooks, rented the Lincoln Bedroom, Whitewatered and bought silence, cavorted with women younger than his own daughter.
But Billy's speech proves him to be a way better politician than socialist community organizer Barack.
Republican leaders are evidently Guilty As Charged [by Billy], 
because so far they haven't even tried to rebut a serious charge.  Not a peep, y'notice?  Billy got 'em dead to rights.

Sample Clinton charges, met with deafening GOP silence:

1.  Ike sent in Federal Troops to enforce desegregation of Little Rock High in Bill's Arkansas, 1957-1958.
[One shudders to think what a Tea Partier would have done about Little Rock High
-- including "severe conservatives" like Paul Ryan, if not Mitt.  
Or even those southern white pseudo-Christian ministers in Birmingham, who scolded jail-bound MLK for pushing way too fast -- nearly 100 years after the 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments.

2.  Republicans "seem to hate" Obama.
[After the speech, Bill told one reporter, "They disliked me enough to impeach me,
but they never asked to see my birth certificate!"]

Bill, you're a sleaze-ball, but you really convicted the nuckle-draggers among the GOP -- and you'll notice that did NOT include the 2 Bushes, nor Ike, nor Nixon, nor Reagan, nor Dick Lugar -- Lugar the Unsung Hero of rounding up Loose Nukes from ex-USSR et alia, sometimes at his own expense, along with Sam Nunn.]

Emperor Paul Ryan's clothes fell off, "brass" and all. 
 "Ryan looked right into the TV camera, and called it a cold chilling blow to America
GOP response so far?  ZE-RO.

3.  "Obamacare," that Tea Party bogeyman, got the defense that Obama's team has not been able to articulate since 2010.
Is Bill NUTS?!?  Defending that poisonous socialist healthcare to America's future?
Not to mention Medicaid, which will no longer enable me to linger in a nursing home.

4.  Auto bailout.  
This morning on TV, Bill added, "Tea Partiers won't buy a bailout car, out of pure hatred for Obama."
"I never learned to hate Republicans.  Why do they hate their fellow Americans?"

5.  Allegedly "no jobs."  "Obama rescued 10 gazillion jobs; "House Republicans, ZE-RO."

6.  "We Republicans left Obama a terrible mess.  
Four years wasn't enough for him to finish cleaning it up.  
So let's fire him and give it back to us, and of course we shall fix it."

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