Friday, May 24, 2013

A Postscript on "Maybe a LITTLE Bit of Government is Okay"

Fri. May 24, 2013:

And speaking of a Corrective, for Texans' & Oklahomans' costly skepticism about "Gummint" -- in light of the Fertilizer Explosion without government safely re-zoning hospitals & schools, and the Tornado without government-mandated Safe Rooms:

Do we really want to throw out the Baby ["ALL government"] with the Bathwater [services do need rendering]:

Yes, the federal government plays an outsize role in our daily lives. But it’s not in a negative or sinister way.
So let’s count some of the ways that the federal government influences our daily lives. We eat safer food, take tested medications, breathe cleaner air and drink purer water all because of the government our tax dollars support. We also fly on more secure planes, drive on a network of Interstate highways, and benefit from federally funded medical and scientific research.
Government trade missions help us gain more markets for our goods, government inspectors keep our power plants safe, and government laws protect us against fraud, discrimination and unsafe workplaces. And I could go on and on.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

3 Quotes of the Day -- And, More Grist for Climate-Change Deniers

Fri. May 24, 2013:

I.  Here are the 3 best quotes of the day:

A.  Jimmy Kimmel, on the latest new TV shows previewed by the Networks: 
 "One of the shows previewed today was written by a 3rd-grade class.  Your challenge tonight is to figure out which one it was." 

B.  Another observer at the same event [called the "Upfronts" for the networks' new seasonal offerings]:
"Rod Serling had more originality on a sick day than all the networks' high-priced talent combined."
"Serling once complained that TV drama 'must walk tiptoe and in agony lest it offend some cereal buyer from a given state below the Mason-Dixon.' "

                                         Rod Serling and His TV Classic "The Twilight Zone"

C.  And, the latest on Immigration Bill's "progress" from the funny columnist Gail Collins whom you recently read: 
"Any further progress would require cooperation from the House of Representatives, the circle of hell where the damned are condemned to spend eternity voting to repeal the health care reform law."

II.  Another Blow for Climate-Change Deniers:

So Totally Our Fault
In a glove tossed down to climate change deniers, a paper in the journal Environmental Research Letters looked at about 4,000 scientific articles about global warming and found that 97.1 percent of them concluded that rising temperatures were “anthropogenic,” or caused by humans. “Our findings prove that there is a strong scientific agreement about the cause of climate change, despite public perceptions to the contrary,” said John Cook, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Queensland, according to an article in The Guardian. Dr. Cook is a physicist, not a climate scientist, but he collects peer-reviewed papers on climate change the way some people do “Star Trek” memorabilia; he also maintains, which includes a list of the “most used climate myths and what the science really says.” Myth No. 1: “Climate’s Changed Before.” No. 2: “It’s the Sun.” No. 3: “It’s Not Bad.”

Needing A Goldilocks "Just-Right" on Too Much / Too Little "Government"

Thu. May 23, 2013:

Dear Faithfuls & Loyals,

Didja notice that one reason the town of West, Texas had so many casualties when its fertilizer factory blew up?  No governmental zoning, to prevent Nursing Homes, or Middle Schools, or High Schools, from locating cheek-to-jowl with a potentially explosive nitrogen source like a fertilizer plant.

Didja notice that one reason Moore, Oklahoma had so many casualties duirng this week's massive tornado?
No governmental requirement for Safe Rooms -- AT LEAST in Elementary Schools! -- even in the notorious Tornado Alley.

                                  Moore, Oklahoma Elementary School, After Killer Tornado

Y'know, the 3 recent "scandals" [Benghazi, IRS targeting Tea Party applicants for Tax Exemptions, and Justice Department fighting dangerous leaks by sneaking into reporters' private email & phone records]
just prove again what we've all known for years -- of Department of Motor Vehicle queues & Post Office bunglings -- Republicans are CORRECT when they say that Too Much Government Is Bad.
IT IS!  But, good people of Texas & Oklahoma, we do need SOME government, to protect us from Ourselves, and from things beyond our control. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

"Wing-Nuts" & How to Reduce USA's Polarization

Tues. May 21, 2013:

Worthy Readers,

Tip of the hat to Bloomberg News's Cass Sunstein.
His is the 1st persuasive suggestion on how to soften, if not win over, Wing-Nuts on the opposite sides of
every political issue.

Read, and enjoy:

Monday, May 20, 2013

Greatest Hits from Last Week, in Bloomberg News & NYT

Mon. May 20, 2013:


Bloomberg News's Albert Hunt -- a columnist generally on the conservative side -- sums up
Obama's "Trilogy of Scandals" well here.  But is it right to say Attorney-General Eric Holder must go?

                                                         Attorney-General Eric Holder 


Just for fun, Looksie at what Bill Veeck's son [a junior P.T. Barnum himself] is up to:

And here's the week's best, on economics/politics.

There are still Male Chauvinists around, who insist that Females are incapable of great humor.  But . . .


1.  Moderate conservative David Brooks:

2.  BEST ARTICLE OF THE WEEK, describing the evolution -- especially 1954-2013 -- of our crazy campaign finance laws -- too much for overwhelmed IRS functionaries:
NOTICE:  A well-intentioned "reform" of 2001 winds up backfiring.  Especially because of 2010 Citizens United ruling.

3.  BOTH Dem & GOP Senates, of the past & present, have scandalously blocked Cabinet appointments.
It has turned the Constitution's "advise & consent" role for the Senate into complete dysfunction -- as Robert Gates was warning last Sunday:

4.   Interesting "political memo" pointing out that GOP anti-Obama obstructionism may accidentally hurt themselves for 2017 and beyond [if they do win Congress & Presidency in 2016] by refusing, NOW, to accept an Obama Grand Bargain with tax increases, under HIS watch, so that HE takes the inevitable blame for Austerity:

5.  For "climate deniers," Insurance Companies should make them rethink their denials:

6.  Here's the best summary of whether Japan's inflation policy, or Europe's austerity policy, is the best way for the USA to end the lingering Recession right now:

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Biggest Current Threat to USA's National Security? "Loyal Opposition"

Tues. May 14, 2013:

Faithful loyal readers,
What follows is my emailed reply to a bright decent Obama-voter friend --  in response to his moderate Republican frustration with Obama's leadership on this date in history.
My reply is hardly elegant, or the last word.  But it's my own crie de coeur.


Again, we have selected different villains.  Obama is no Lincoln, for sure.

But never -- ever -- has our country seen such a prolonged, systematic, downright unpatriotic, opposition-party effort to undermine everything that a White House has tried to do.  The Founding Fathers postulated the need for a "Loyal Opposition."  They would roll in their graves, if they saw what "Opposition" means now.

A 41-Senator minority has blocked appointment after appointment -- some left vacant for 7 years!  They ask for "entitlement" cuts [even though most "entitlements" have actually been EARNED by average citizens]?  Obama offers some, including Social Security cuts, and Paul Ryan refuses to even discuss it further, because it is "insufficient."  Other Obama initiatives -- originally GOP ideas, like Cap & Trade, like Single Payer to combat HillaryCare?  Once Obama's fingerprints are on anything, Republicans reject it out of hand.
Out here in Massachusetts, there is resounding disgust for blatant Republican obstructionism.  FDR & LBJ & and a Democratic Jesus Christ could not reason with these guys.  And even Republican Bob Gates suggests, this behavior is our #1 National Security threat.  To blame it on Obama is a stretch.  

For Lindsay Graham and McCain to call Benghazi "worse than Watergate" is absurd.  Yes, State, CIA, FBI, the Pentagon, and the White House all tried to cover their asses -- especially the latter, with an eye toward Nov. 2012.  [AS IF a Republican administration would do otherwise!]  In fact, a key figure in the so-called "cover-up," Victoria Nuland, was a top aide for Dick Cheney before staying on with the Obama administration.  Not sure if you saw [Republican!] Bob Gates on last Sunday's Face the Nation, but he and Thomas Pickering [another Republican] both say that "Benghazi" is a tempest in a teapot.  Yes, Barack's & Hillary's operatives smell as if they tried to minimize the Al Qaeda "terrorist" angle.  But Hillary's sorta right, "What difference does it make?"  In the big picture, we lost 4 good people & a miniscule "embassy" -- mostly because the Republican House has slashed our budgetary ability to provide adequate protection to dangerous outposts in a turbulent Arab Spring world.

In about 3 of his 18 minutes, Bob Gates demolishes Benghazi as a military issue.  [Then, for the next 15 minutes, he has outstanding things to say about the bigger threats to our National Security -- you'll especially agree with his last 2 minutes, when he tells us what our greatest National Security risk is!  It's the most balanced assessment of where we are, generally, that I've seen in quite a while.] 

Political cover-up on Benghazi?  Probably, but what politician, or White House, hasn't done that, especially with an election coming up in a month or two?  LBJ on Vietnam.  Reagan on Iran-Contra.  Bill Clinton on a wag-the-dog missile strike in Africa.  GWB after 9/11.
To me, the same unfair 20-20 hindsight second-guessing of Bush & Co. after 9/11 was no more productive than FIVE goddamn House Committee investigations over Benghazi.  Reeks of preemptive strike on Hillary, 2016.  If the GOP wants to do something useful on Benghazi, how about ponying up the $$$ to secure our diplomatic outposts in a wretched part of the world!

You're right about Benghazi being a "disaster" in one sense:  The GOP has decided "Benghazi" is Close Enough -- to an important scandal -- to stop doing any more work on issues that matter.  That IS a "disaster."

Basically, 41 Republicans [plus a handful of scared red-state Dems] in the Senate, and the GOP-dominated House, have decided:
We Are Ending Obama's Term Now.  
No budget deal, but instead more debt-ceiling brinksmanship.  
No gun deal.  
Maybe immigration, but ONLY because WE need it for 2016 and beyond.  [Obama is smart NOT to put his fingerprints on any immigration legislation, because then it would surely get obstructed!]  
Instead, we in the House are starting, 4 months into Obama's last term, with committee investigations of everything.  
Darrell Issa is now running the USA.  [You're right on one thing:  Unlike Obama, LBJ wouldda had Issa and Boehner & McConnell bribed, smeared, or killed by now.  And, there wouldn't even have been a Committee to investigate it!   

And as for GOP Austerity fiscal policies, more & more evidence is piling up that it is exactly the wrong thing to do for our economy at the present time.

Note, especially, Japan.
After decades of austerity & deflation, a judicious amount of inflation has Japan finally doing well again.  You are certainly right, Inflation should NOT be overdone.  But it is crystal clear that Deflation crushes an economy, and especially milllions of potential consumers.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Choice for the Ages: 18 Minutes of Bipartisan Bob Gates? Or 5 Years of GOP Fetishes?

Sun. May 12, 2013:

Once in a while, Dear Readers, you can hear an informed voice, under the din of an ideological noise that has been slowly killing our USA for at least the last 5 years.


I.  Choice One

           Bob Gates [now chancellor of William & Mary College] interviewed for Face the Nation:
                        Former Secretary of Defense under George W. Bush & Barack Obama

Invest 18 minutes of your Sunday to Bob Schieffer's Face the Nation interview this morning with
Robert Gates -- Secretary of Defense under George W. Bush and then Barack Obama:

The gyst:  The greatest threat to our National Security is our current ideological warfare in Washington.
And here's what to do about Afghanistan, Benghazi, Iran, Iraq, and North Korea.

II.  Choice Two

Just a one-day sample of Republican fetishes which are slowly strangling your country:

1.   "The Republicans' Benghazi Obsession"    [Lib view]

versus                  [Conserv view]  

2.  "After Plant Explosion, Texas Remains Wary of Regulation"
We get it, GOP.  Too much regulation can hurt our economy.  But, NO protective government at all?

3.  "The Health Law and Its Incentives"
Columnist Ross Douthart's recent criticism of Obamacare missed the most important points.

4.  "House Vote on Debt Ceiling Gives Priority to Creditors"
Dems call it the "Pay China First" Act!

5.  "Senate Republicans Block Committee Vote on Obama's Nominee to Lead E.P.A."
G.O.P., and the Dems before them, have turned the Senate's confirmation process into a blocked artery to the very heart of governance.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Why Mark Sanford Won in South Carolina's 1st District

Thu. May 9, 2013:

Yes, Mark Sanford is a sh*t, not to mention weirdo.
But the sad truth appears to be, Elizabeth Colbert Busch disappeared as a candidate.
Better a human weirdo than an M.I.A.?

Read, and weep:
Gail Collins takes a dim view of Sanford, and Wiener, and others in the realm of sexual misdeeds.
Dialogue between a liberal & conservative pair of pundits, on why Sanford won & Colbert Busch lost.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A**holery, Sh*ts & Sh*theads: Hospital Billing, Magic Prayers, and Child-size Rifles

Wed. May 8, 2013:

                     [The Discerning will note:  the little white sign underneath the larger signs]


1.  Hmmm. As I remember from my time in the Delaware Valley, the term "piece-a-shit," when applied to a person (also denotes a lie or exaggeration) suggests total worthlessness, without the bite of a "shit" or the potentially interesting psychic characteristics of a "shithead." Incidentally, I would argue that a "shitheel" is similar to a "shit," and perhaps the original term, later shortened for convenience.
I do admire the Urban Dictionary:

On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 8:40 AM, Dave K wrote:
Honored to pass along my two cents here.
One should be aware that making fine definitive distinctions must be balanced with the need and joy associated with the immediacy of a response to bad behavior. As it often happens, our exposure to shits, pieces of shit, shitheads and assholes is very short and we have no time for analysis. Taking too long to express a response is not nearly as much fun as exclaiming "What a piece of shit" or "see that asshole?" instantly, even at the risk of inaccuracy of definition.
That being said, I feel that shit, or piece of shit, implies that the subject has been extruded from the company of decent people. Perhaps their fault, perhaps not - but extruded nevertheless. Shithead seems to imply behavior that is purposeful. Thus anyone can be a shithead, if only in a single aspect of their behavior.
We have here in the City of Brotherly Love a fine example in our institution of Municipal Traffic Court. Judgships on this court require no educational or professional qualification, and its a pretty cushy job. Nobody knows who the candidates are so the candidates that top the list on the ballot are always elected (one of the cool things about my membership in the Pen and Pencil is hearing city journalists describe city hall stuff, like selecting places on the ballot by drawing numbers from an old Horn and Hardardt coffee can). These folks are so corrupt that all nine of them are under federal indictment and the state is trying to abolish the court.
So are they shits or pieces of shit, or are they shitheads? Research reveals that since they were elected, its hard to claim their extrusion from society. Since they are all under indictment one would have to conclude that since their behavior is purposeful, they must be shitheads.
I add the term pieces of shit, perhaps a local phrase that deserves wider usage.
Hope this forwards the discussion.


Hospital billing is sometimes 6 times more at one hospital than another for the same work
-- and OFTEN 3 to 5 times more.  None of this was likely to come to light, without Obamacare.


Having auditory hallucinations is not particularly rare, and need not be alarming.  
Believing in them, however -- and especially believing that they have the authority of a supreme being -- is the most dangerous of all possible delusions.  


I find it abhorrent that the people of Burkesville, Kentucky, are not willing to learn a lesson from the tragic shooting of a 2-year-old girl by her 5-year-old brother.

Is there any thoughtful, well-reasoned case for the existence of a child-sized rifle?  This is not a rhetorical question.  I simply want to know the answer.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Kids [and Republicans]: What's The Matter With Them Today!

Tues. May 7, 2013:

1.  Moderate conservative David Brooks calls out the fringe G.O.P. members who are lining up to kill Marco Rubio's immigration reform bill.  Let's face it, folks, the Far Right has its head wedged:

2.  Lil Wayne, like a gazillion other American kids, has no clue who Emmett Till was.
Studying the American civil rights history could have spared Lil Wayne the Mountain Dew account.

                                                    Emmett Till                       Lil Wayne


Children These Days
“Today’s Teens: More Materialistic, Less Willing to Work,” announced San Diego State University in a headline that was surely catnip for baby boomers. The conclusions came from a study comparing the attitudes of three generations of American high school seniors, from 1976 to 2007, based on responses to a survey. “Kids surveyed from 2005 were most materialistic and least willing to work hard: 62 percent said that having lots of money was important, compared with 48 percent of those surveyed between 1976 and 1978,” as New Scientist put it. “However, only 25 percent said they thought hard work was important, compared with 39 percent of those asked in the ‘70s.” Jean M. Twenge, the psychologist who led the study, offered this take: “That type of ‘fantasy gap’ is consistent with other studies showing a generational increase in narcissism and entitlement.”

Monday, May 6, 2013

2 Lows & 1 High in Behavior of U.S. Citizens: Burkesville, Gainesville, and Sacramento

Mon. May 6, 2013:

The 2 lows:

1.  A looter from Gainesville, Florida manages to disrespect 70,000,000 years of history with one theft:


When the press went to Burkesville, Kentucky to report on the tragic story of a 5-year-old boy accidentally shooting to death his 2-year-old sister, here is what transpired:

After the funeral service, two men advanced across North Main Street toward a single television crew present, from the German network RTL, and punched the cameraman, bloodying his face and knocking him down.
Two other men told a newspaper reporter, “If you had any sense, you’d get out of here. You’re next, buddy.”
The county coroner, Gary White, said Kristian’s gun, a .22-caliber single-shot Crickett rifle designed for children and sold in pink and blue, had been stored in a corner, and his parents did not realize it was loaded.

3.   Lawmakers in Sacramento pass a law to try curbing gun massacres:

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cinco de Mayo, and Other Verities: Obama IS Bambi; Guns' Head-fake; G.O.P. Bad Guys; Krugman=A**hole (but Correct?)

Sun. May 5, 2013:                            CINCO DE MAYO

Dear Worthies -- What better day, than Cinqo de Mayo, for another Grab-bag of randomly useful corrections made by this past week's news.

1.  Cinco de Mayo is NOT Mexico's Independence Day, which instead is celebrated on September 16.
Mexicans in certain provinces celebrate May 5 for an unlikely military victory over the French in 1862.

2.  For those of us who have spent over 4 years defending Obama from even worse voices on the Right,
it is time to admit that voices from the Left have Obama Critiques that ring true.  None more so than the disapppointed Obama sympathizer, the snarky liberal Maureen Dowd, who years ago created the phrase "Obambi" to deride the President's lack of Machiavellian steel.
Check out Maureen Dowd's latest -- the withering "Bottoms Up, Lame Duck":

3.  Please note, too, that by any measure, Obama's team appears to have done a miserable job preparing the nation for its Obamacare rollout.

A Kaiser Family Foundation poll shows:

12% of Americans believe that the law has been repealed by Congress.
 7% think it has been overturned by the Supreme Court.
23% "do not know enough to say what the status of the law is."

4.   Why doesn't anyone call out the pro-gun argument that "repairing mental health system" is the way to go?
Up in NH, Senator Kelly Ayotte is facing organized pressure against her recent vote to defeat expanded background checks.  NYT, May 1, 2013:

Ms. Ayotte has powerful allies in state and national gun owners' groups [who are running the following ad]:
"She knows the only way to prevent tragedies like Sandy Hook is to fix our broken mental health system."

But, why doesn't ANYONE point out the obvious fact that there is NO WAY to pre-screen mentally deranged shooters?  To do so is to lock up millions of us before we even have a glint in our eye about getting a gun.
So:  Another pro-gun head-fake, to distract, and to sew confusion.

5.  GOP, as Maureen Dowd says above, is hardly repentant after blowing the 2012 Election.
Read, and gnash:



6.  Paul Krugman, unrepentant after admirer Clive Crook's recent criticism about his dismissive arrogance for those who disagrees,
has 2 new articles lambasting the inflation fearmongers.  His repetitive contempt IS annoying (but he may also be correct!):


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Magnifying Glass On Paul Krugman

Wed. May 1, 2013:

Dear Faithful,

A persuasive article, by Bloomberg News's Clive Crook, challenge Nobel Laureate economist -- and frequent subject on these bitesfromedwin pages -- one PAUL KRUGMAN.

Read, and judge for yourselves:

                                               Nobel Laureate Economist Paul Krugman