Monday, May 20, 2013

Greatest Hits from Last Week, in Bloomberg News & NYT

Mon. May 20, 2013:


Bloomberg News's Albert Hunt -- a columnist generally on the conservative side -- sums up
Obama's "Trilogy of Scandals" well here.  But is it right to say Attorney-General Eric Holder must go?

                                                         Attorney-General Eric Holder 


Just for fun, Looksie at what Bill Veeck's son [a junior P.T. Barnum himself] is up to:

And here's the week's best, on economics/politics.

There are still Male Chauvinists around, who insist that Females are incapable of great humor.  But . . .


1.  Moderate conservative David Brooks:

2.  BEST ARTICLE OF THE WEEK, describing the evolution -- especially 1954-2013 -- of our crazy campaign finance laws -- too much for overwhelmed IRS functionaries:
NOTICE:  A well-intentioned "reform" of 2001 winds up backfiring.  Especially because of 2010 Citizens United ruling.

3.  BOTH Dem & GOP Senates, of the past & present, have scandalously blocked Cabinet appointments.
It has turned the Constitution's "advise & consent" role for the Senate into complete dysfunction -- as Robert Gates was warning last Sunday:

4.   Interesting "political memo" pointing out that GOP anti-Obama obstructionism may accidentally hurt themselves for 2017 and beyond [if they do win Congress & Presidency in 2016] by refusing, NOW, to accept an Obama Grand Bargain with tax increases, under HIS watch, so that HE takes the inevitable blame for Austerity:

5.  For "climate deniers," Insurance Companies should make them rethink their denials:

6.  Here's the best summary of whether Japan's inflation policy, or Europe's austerity policy, is the best way for the USA to end the lingering Recession right now:

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