Thursday, May 23, 2013

Needing A Goldilocks "Just-Right" on Too Much / Too Little "Government"

Thu. May 23, 2013:

Dear Faithfuls & Loyals,

Didja notice that one reason the town of West, Texas had so many casualties when its fertilizer factory blew up?  No governmental zoning, to prevent Nursing Homes, or Middle Schools, or High Schools, from locating cheek-to-jowl with a potentially explosive nitrogen source like a fertilizer plant.

Didja notice that one reason Moore, Oklahoma had so many casualties duirng this week's massive tornado?
No governmental requirement for Safe Rooms -- AT LEAST in Elementary Schools! -- even in the notorious Tornado Alley.

                                  Moore, Oklahoma Elementary School, After Killer Tornado

Y'know, the 3 recent "scandals" [Benghazi, IRS targeting Tea Party applicants for Tax Exemptions, and Justice Department fighting dangerous leaks by sneaking into reporters' private email & phone records]
just prove again what we've all known for years -- of Department of Motor Vehicle queues & Post Office bunglings -- Republicans are CORRECT when they say that Too Much Government Is Bad.
IT IS!  But, good people of Texas & Oklahoma, we do need SOME government, to protect us from Ourselves, and from things beyond our control. 

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