Thursday, May 23, 2013

3 Quotes of the Day -- And, More Grist for Climate-Change Deniers

Fri. May 24, 2013:

I.  Here are the 3 best quotes of the day:

A.  Jimmy Kimmel, on the latest new TV shows previewed by the Networks: 
 "One of the shows previewed today was written by a 3rd-grade class.  Your challenge tonight is to figure out which one it was." 

B.  Another observer at the same event [called the "Upfronts" for the networks' new seasonal offerings]:
"Rod Serling had more originality on a sick day than all the networks' high-priced talent combined."
"Serling once complained that TV drama 'must walk tiptoe and in agony lest it offend some cereal buyer from a given state below the Mason-Dixon.' "

                                         Rod Serling and His TV Classic "The Twilight Zone"

C.  And, the latest on Immigration Bill's "progress" from the funny columnist Gail Collins whom you recently read: 
"Any further progress would require cooperation from the House of Representatives, the circle of hell where the damned are condemned to spend eternity voting to repeal the health care reform law."

II.  Another Blow for Climate-Change Deniers:

So Totally Our Fault
In a glove tossed down to climate change deniers, a paper in the journal Environmental Research Letters looked at about 4,000 scientific articles about global warming and found that 97.1 percent of them concluded that rising temperatures were “anthropogenic,” or caused by humans. “Our findings prove that there is a strong scientific agreement about the cause of climate change, despite public perceptions to the contrary,” said John Cook, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Queensland, according to an article in The Guardian. Dr. Cook is a physicist, not a climate scientist, but he collects peer-reviewed papers on climate change the way some people do “Star Trek” memorabilia; he also maintains, which includes a list of the “most used climate myths and what the science really says.” Myth No. 1: “Climate’s Changed Before.” No. 2: “It’s the Sun.” No. 3: “It’s Not Bad.”

1 comment:

  1. You have your experts, I have mine:
    Sarah Palin: It Snowed In Alaska In May, So There Is No Global Warming.
