Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Redondo's Heraldo Speaks vs. Partisan Nonsense

Wed. October 31, 2012:

Gentle Souls,

What follows is an earnest & eloquent rant, against the partisan nonsense which spews out
"facts" like Obama's Muslim Flag hanging over his desk in the Oval Office, or "facts" like
Obama playing 110 golf games in -- whazzit -- 48 hours?

And the Left has its own "Sick Puppies," as GHWB [#41] referred to the MSNBC evening anchors.

Here it is:

  • Hugh  This video just totally changed my vote. Can't believe Obama would have the audacity to play 100+ rounds of golf. I would personally like to thank the group that spent the last four years counting Obama's golf rounds so they could make this propaganda video, completely disregard my intelligence with a blatant disregard for objectivity, and make our country a better place in the process. It's impartial videos like this that make modern politics a bastion of honesty and integrity and without them, I would never know that Republicans don't play golf. Thanks for sharing...
  • Fred to Hugh; Sometimes intelligence gets in the way of having the ability to be objective on the issues. This video states the facts of Obama's inability to do what he said he would do in his first term, which is why people voted for him. All the things that he blamed Bush for failing to do, he has failed to accomplish, two fold. How come every time somebody states factual truths about Obama, it becomes a bastion of honesty and lacks integrity, because its not what you want to hear. If all you heard in this video, was the amount of time Obama spent on the golf course, makes this video blatantly propagandizing Obama, then I don't know what to say!! Oh, by the way, fact check if you want, but the bias media always had the same response every time Bush played golf, which I think was about half of what Obama played in 8 years!!! Make a deal with you, Nov 6th is right around the corner, and we are going to cancel each others vote out, so lets leave it at that!!! The future will affect you much more then me, so I hope the outcome works to your benefit.
  • Hugh  Here are some objective facts from relevant to the video. Obama ‘Doubled’ Deficit?

    Romney: The president said he’d cut the deficit in half. Unfortunately, he doubled it. Trillion-dollar deficits for the last four years.

    It’s not true that Obama “doubled” the deficit. He inherited a $1.2 trillion deficit and deficits have remained at or above that level, as Romney said, every year since then. Romney is right, however, that Obama has not kept his promise to cut the deficit in half.

    Here’s the budget history in brief: The 2009 fiscal year began Oct. 1, 2008, when George W. Bush was president, and ended Sept. 30, 2009 with Obama as president. By the time Obama took office in January 2009, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office had already estimated that the federal government would end fiscal 2009 with a $1.2 trillion deficit because of higher spending and lower revenues.

    Obama added to the 2009 deficit, but not by much. We found that Obama was responsible at most for an additional $203 billion. The government ended $1.4 trillion in the red that year. The deficits were about $1.3 trillion each year for the next two years, and this fiscal year just ended with a shortfall of nearly $1.2 trillion.

    So, Obama didn’t double the deficits. But the president did pledge to cut them in half by the end of his first term during his State of the Union address on Feb. 24, 2009. A Congressional Budget Office analysis of the president’s latest budget plan doesn’t show the deficit being cut in half until 2014.
  • Hugh  That comes from a good page of fact checking from the first debate... Seems to me to prove that both parties are full of BS. In response to my reaction to hearing what I "want to hear," all I can say is that all I want to hear are facts. I want to make it very clear that I don't think it's wrong at all to vote for Romney. I don't think it's right at all to vote for Obama. I just want people to give me info that truly is fair and balanced. My father feeds me positive stuff about Obama all day long and I don't "want to hear" that either. None of his sources are fair and balanced. NYT, MSNBC, etc. I can't be more adamant that that is NOT what I want to hear either. I don't want any more Chris Mathews, Sean Hannity, Dinesh D'souza or Michael Moore. I want those people to stop being so successful making money off all of us watching all of their decidedly un-objective garbage and I want to have it's own news network so I can watch that all day.

    As far as I can tell from this video, it makes two points in the first 3 and a half minutes. 1) That Obama has doubled the budget instead of halving it like he promised (clarified above) and 2) That Obama played over 100 hours of golf instead of "not resting until every citizen can find a job." Beyond that it tells me the length in years of one trillions seconds, the length of one trillion inches of string, and the fact that one trillion paper clips is equal to 8 thousand Honda Accords. These are interesting facts, but aren't giving me much info on the issues. Are there other substantive facts that I'm missing here? I think this is why one of the main things I took away from my viewing was the hours of golf, a claim I couldn't substantiate or negate on, likely because it's irrelevant.

    The rest of the video does a handful of things:
    1. SPECULATES that we will run out of money like Italy, Greece, Spain, etc. (this is a scare tactic, right? It's definitely not a fact as it hasn't happened yet, so it's said to scare us. That is what propaganda does, isn't it?)
    2. Says to "consider" Obama's record on Energy, foreign policy, national sec., healthcare, immigration, and transparency, but doesn't give us any facts here. Just that we need to consider it.
    3. From minute 3:30-4:30 it gives a definition of "statism," putting Obama in a graphic next to Marx, Hugo Chavez, and Che Guevara. (not many substantive facts here, just a bold and, in my opinion, dangerous comparison)
    4. From 4:00-5:00, it gives us a list of champions of conservatism and says to "JOIN US."
    5. From 5:00-6:30ish it quotes Ronald Reagan. (great quotes by the way)
    6. And from 6:30 on it tells us to vote conservative for the 530,000 elected U.S. offices.

    So, tell me if I'm wrong here, but the "facts" related to Obama's term in this film are still limited to the budget doubling vs. Halving (doubling = false, but Obama didn't accomplish his promise of halving it) and 100+ hours of golf.

    Here is the definition of propaganda (from Wikipedia) -

    Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position by presenting only one side of an argument. Propaganda is usually repeated and dispersed over a wide variety of media in order to create the chosen result in audience attitudes. As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda, in its most basic sense, presents information primarily to influence an audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus possibly lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or uses loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. The desired result is a change of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience to further a political or religious agenda. Propaganda can be used as a form of political warfare.(

    So how on earth is this video not propaganda? It is the absolute definition of propaganda, at least according to Wikipedia. And if the purpose of propaganda is to get people to buy into something and, even better, get them to disperse it themselves, it's working like a charm. You posted it on facebook.

    Now I am very aware that I am a blustering a-hole at this point, but I wouldn't put so much effort into this if I didn't think it was really important for the world to at least see videos like this for what they are. You are not wrong at all for voting for Romney and you are right about me wanting a better future for myself, so I am 100% willing to vote for Romney if I can find more evidence that my future will be better if I do. I am currently un-decided so our votes aren't canceling each other out yet, but videos like this don't help me at all. I want to know why our economy worked so well under Clinton. I want to know why it failed so badly under Bush. I want to know if Obama's Bin Laden work signifies a quality leader on national security or was a stroke of good luck and good timing. I want to hear a debate between economists as to what approach serves our country best. Trickle down? Ladder up from the middle class? Does gov't assistance actually help more honest, hard-working Americans or is there actual data that shows more people take advantage of it and drain our economy? I want graphs, spreadsheets, charts, and hard, empirical evidence of the success or failure of past economic principles. I don't want to know the approximate weight of one trillion paper clips. I don't want to be scared into thinking we are the next Greece. And I know that hearing the definition of statism isn't going to tell me the answer.

    Please, please, please join me in being insulted by the people who think videos like this are good for our political process. I do not want you to change your vote. I want you to stand up to super-pacs and MSNBC and Chris Mathews and FOX News with me and demand that they start feeding us information rather than feeding us opinions and blatant impartiality. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What IS a Liberal? What IS a Conservative?

Mon. October 29, 2012:

Beloved readers,
Bitesfromedwin comes to you from a Dunkin' Donuts, because our power is out after
Hurricane Sandy.  And our power will likely be out for days & days, as NStar is overwhelmed,
and we are small potatoes.

So, instead of the multitude of balanced pieces I had for you, just one today -- in the name of fairness.;contentBody

Monday, October 22, 2012

Juicy Partisan Tidbits, with 16 Days to Go

Mon. October 22, 2012:

A grab-bag of treats.  [For each, we are indebted to the Aristotle of Arrowsic,
                                    who puts the ART in pARTisan.]

First, a video!  Click on this link:





                 Jeb Bush last week, after Promoting Romney-omics at an Address in Andover
5.   The Aristotle of Arrowsic eloquently capsulizes Democratic optimism from this week's events:

"Romnesia" will do the trick. Though the term existed on Facebook before, Obama's use of it is brilliant. It uses the "lighter tone" that pundits -- and women -- have wanted with a reminder that Mittens is an expedient liar... AND... as Mark Twain wrote: "Against the assault of Laughter nothing can stand."


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Two "Downers" & One Huge "Upper"

Tues. October 16, 2012:

Worthy Readers, one & all -- you deserve the "Upper," and it will come, at the end of this post.

                   We DON'T deserve the "Downers," but they are tasty & go down easily:

"Downer" #1:  From the snarky Gail Collins, "Democrats At the Deep End"

"Downer" #2:  From the keen & pleasingly irreverent eye of our favorite Aristotle of the Arrowsic,
discovered in the New Yorker:

[Spoiler Alert:  Read this one after the kids are in bed.]


And now, an unfunny but inspiring "Upper" which has nothing to do with Election 2012:

                 Eric Lomax Reunites with his WW II Tormenter, at the Bridge on River Kwai

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Dems Need a Game Changer, with 23 Days Left

Sun. October 14, 2012:

Best quote of the week, repeated by David Brooks, the moderate conservative at The NYT:

"After a bad poll, Republicans want to kill the polster, but Democrats want to kill themselves."

It still boggles the mind, how one crummy campaign debate can completely jeopardize a presidency.

Side note:  Chris Christy predicted exactly that, on Bob Schieffer's show, the Sunday before that debate.
Probably because Christy was so ordered, by the Romney folks, but still.

Now Christy looks like Nostradamus,
and NOT so much like a candidate for 2016 after all.

Most thought-provoking items of the week?  Fifteen minutes of your time, tops:

1.  Obituary of Schlomo Venezia, 88, Auschwitz Memoirist

2.  Mitt Romney refused to come on Letterman, who called him "Yellow" [and later apologized].
So Billy Crystal, for your viewing pleasure, does "Romney on Letterman":

3.  Republicans wrong to look for salvation in free markets:

4.  "Buying The Election?"  Whoever wins, the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling of 2010 was a disaster for our democratic republic.  And so is the chaotic mosaic of federal election campaign laws.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Caveat to "American Exceptionalism" from Vietnam

Tues Oct. 9, 2012:

Gentle readers, do you miss reading about genuine unsung heroes?
Well, miss no more.  Check out this back-pages obituary:

Republican neo-cons take note:
Americans aren't the only folks who can be "exceptional."  And if this makes me an "apologist for America," then, you know where I live.  Wanna piece of me?

Also, Republicans, notice that this Vietnamese fellow paid with several more easily avoidable years in jail by refusing to agree that the Soviets liberated Vietnam.  He insisted that the Americans deserve that credit, by forcing Japan's surrender with an atomic bomb.

While we're letting Republicans have it today, admire Paul Krugman's recent reality check of
"Romney's Sick Joke."

And finally, Democrats, to wipe that grin off your face,
Be Scared, Be Very Scared, that even life-long Democrat Buzz Bissinger converted to Romney after watching Obama's recent Denver Debate performance.

Buzz's naivete towards Romney's good side is breathtaking, but if Buzz can do it, so can a lot of
tired former Obama voters.
His critique of Obama has persuasive notes in it -- listless debate, absent leadership except for choosing The View over meetings with UN visiting heads-of-state, et alia.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Obama's Bad Week, and a Proposal About Hating

Fri. Oct. 5, 2012:

Gentle open-minded readers:  By any measure, the Obama campaign had a terrible week.
The debate on Wed. Oct. 2 was a golden opportunity to deliver a knockout blow to Romney/Ryan, but Obama blew it bigtime.

Now, Obama is the one in big trouble.  If he fails to persuade the next 2 debate audiences that he is not
"arrogant," "lazy," "unprepared," "not wanting to be there," he will make BitesfromEdwin's
predictions from last spring prescient -- and he will lose this election after all.

In doing so, he will also have snatched Defeat from the jaws of Victory.

By almost any measure -- even conservative measurers like Peggy Noonan,
William Kristol, et alia -- Romney represents huge secrecy & uncertainty for U.S. voters.
What WILL he do about the DETAILS of deficit/debt, tax loopholes,  campaign finance reform, climate change, the Affordable Care Act, assault-rifle clips, Dodd-Frank banking reform laws, immigration laws, "standing up to China," "stopping Iran from building its own nuclear weapons," etc., etc.?
His reversals, and re-reversals, are so bewildering, that the uninformed voters can almost be forgiven for deciding, Oh the hell with it, he's handsome, he's a change from Obama, I'll vote for him!

Romney's deliberate secrecy surrounding these crucial policy questions -- not to mention the secrecy of offshore investment shelters, tax returns, Mormon influence [itself a faith centered on secret temple rituals] -- may be a serious concern.  Ann says No, he's a good man who wants to serve America,
but are we wise to trust the convictions of a woman whose wealth puts her so far away from the lives of people so completely different from her?

Is Mitt Romney -- that great debater who humiliated President Obama on Oct. 2, 2012 -- a genuine
MENACE for the U.S.A.?

Or is Obama the menace, seeming to prove himself as feckless & ineffectual as the most extreme conservatives have been insisting since before Jan. 20, 2009?

If you are not scared yet, maybe you should be.

And here's a related proposal:

What if we could somehow separate all policy proposals from the inevitably hateable politicians who push them?

Is it possible for us to enable Obama haters -- who benefit from "his" food stamps, "his" welfare checks, "his" government programs -- to separate the policies which actually help their lives, from the personal figure of Barack Hussein Obama, the arrogant, anti-jobs, un-American Muslim Socialist that otherwise-decent folks have murderously learned to despise?

Is it possible for us to enable Romney haters -- who have convinced themselves of the "secretive
MENACE" caricature [see above] of Mitt Romney -- to vote up or down on "his" policies without them being "his" at all, but just "policies" attached to a billboard or robot rather than to a handsome Mormon with a rich wife driving 4 cadillacs and riding car elevators in posh southern California?

Any suggestions, for practical implementations of this "Replace Reality-Show Human Candidates with Billboards" campaign to save the USA from its politically chaotic 2012 self?

Notice how ad hominem [like, "personal"] these criticisms are.
Then think back on Bill Clinton's DNC speech about GOP folks "hating" Obama & "us Democrats."
This is killing us as a country, ruining our ability to make sensible policy.