Sunday, October 14, 2012

Dems Need a Game Changer, with 23 Days Left

Sun. October 14, 2012:

Best quote of the week, repeated by David Brooks, the moderate conservative at The NYT:

"After a bad poll, Republicans want to kill the polster, but Democrats want to kill themselves."

It still boggles the mind, how one crummy campaign debate can completely jeopardize a presidency.

Side note:  Chris Christy predicted exactly that, on Bob Schieffer's show, the Sunday before that debate.
Probably because Christy was so ordered, by the Romney folks, but still.

Now Christy looks like Nostradamus,
and NOT so much like a candidate for 2016 after all.

Most thought-provoking items of the week?  Fifteen minutes of your time, tops:

1.  Obituary of Schlomo Venezia, 88, Auschwitz Memoirist

2.  Mitt Romney refused to come on Letterman, who called him "Yellow" [and later apologized].
So Billy Crystal, for your viewing pleasure, does "Romney on Letterman":

3.  Republicans wrong to look for salvation in free markets:

4.  "Buying The Election?"  Whoever wins, the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling of 2010 was a disaster for our democratic republic.  And so is the chaotic mosaic of federal election campaign laws.

1 comment:

  1. if you choke in america you croak
    as chronicled here
