Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Caveat to "American Exceptionalism" from Vietnam

Tues Oct. 9, 2012:

Gentle readers, do you miss reading about genuine unsung heroes?
Well, miss no more.  Check out this back-pages obituary:


Republican neo-cons take note:
Americans aren't the only folks who can be "exceptional."  And if this makes me an "apologist for America," then, you know where I live.  Wanna piece of me?

Also, Republicans, notice that this Vietnamese fellow paid with several more easily avoidable years in jail by refusing to agree that the Soviets liberated Vietnam.  He insisted that the Americans deserve that credit, by forcing Japan's surrender with an atomic bomb.

While we're letting Republicans have it today, admire Paul Krugman's recent reality check of
"Romney's Sick Joke."


And finally, Democrats, to wipe that grin off your face,
Be Scared, Be Very Scared, that even life-long Democrat Buzz Bissinger converted to Romney after watching Obama's recent Denver Debate performance.


Buzz's naivete towards Romney's good side is breathtaking, but if Buzz can do it, so can a lot of
tired former Obama voters.
His critique of Obama has persuasive notes in it -- listless debate, absent leadership except for choosing The View over meetings with UN visiting heads-of-state, et alia.

1 comment:

  1. Holy smokers, Buzzy -- Obama is not politicking the way you want him to... so you're going to vote for Romney. Wow, what a thinker you are. Friday, lights out.
