Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Two "Downers" & One Huge "Upper"

Tues. October 16, 2012:

Worthy Readers, one & all -- you deserve the "Upper," and it will come, at the end of this post.

                   We DON'T deserve the "Downers," but they are tasty & go down easily:

"Downer" #1:  From the snarky Gail Collins, "Democrats At the Deep End"

"Downer" #2:  From the keen & pleasingly irreverent eye of our favorite Aristotle of the Arrowsic,
discovered in the New Yorker:

[Spoiler Alert:  Read this one after the kids are in bed.]


And now, an unfunny but inspiring "Upper" which has nothing to do with Election 2012:

                 Eric Lomax Reunites with his WW II Tormenter, at the Bridge on River Kwai


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