Friday, October 5, 2012

Obama's Bad Week, and a Proposal About Hating

Fri. Oct. 5, 2012:

Gentle open-minded readers:  By any measure, the Obama campaign had a terrible week.
The debate on Wed. Oct. 2 was a golden opportunity to deliver a knockout blow to Romney/Ryan, but Obama blew it bigtime.

Now, Obama is the one in big trouble.  If he fails to persuade the next 2 debate audiences that he is not
"arrogant," "lazy," "unprepared," "not wanting to be there," he will make BitesfromEdwin's
predictions from last spring prescient -- and he will lose this election after all.

In doing so, he will also have snatched Defeat from the jaws of Victory.

By almost any measure -- even conservative measurers like Peggy Noonan,
William Kristol, et alia -- Romney represents huge secrecy & uncertainty for U.S. voters.
What WILL he do about the DETAILS of deficit/debt, tax loopholes,  campaign finance reform, climate change, the Affordable Care Act, assault-rifle clips, Dodd-Frank banking reform laws, immigration laws, "standing up to China," "stopping Iran from building its own nuclear weapons," etc., etc.?
His reversals, and re-reversals, are so bewildering, that the uninformed voters can almost be forgiven for deciding, Oh the hell with it, he's handsome, he's a change from Obama, I'll vote for him!

Romney's deliberate secrecy surrounding these crucial policy questions -- not to mention the secrecy of offshore investment shelters, tax returns, Mormon influence [itself a faith centered on secret temple rituals] -- may be a serious concern.  Ann says No, he's a good man who wants to serve America,
but are we wise to trust the convictions of a woman whose wealth puts her so far away from the lives of people so completely different from her?

Is Mitt Romney -- that great debater who humiliated President Obama on Oct. 2, 2012 -- a genuine
MENACE for the U.S.A.?

Or is Obama the menace, seeming to prove himself as feckless & ineffectual as the most extreme conservatives have been insisting since before Jan. 20, 2009?

If you are not scared yet, maybe you should be.

And here's a related proposal:

What if we could somehow separate all policy proposals from the inevitably hateable politicians who push them?

Is it possible for us to enable Obama haters -- who benefit from "his" food stamps, "his" welfare checks, "his" government programs -- to separate the policies which actually help their lives, from the personal figure of Barack Hussein Obama, the arrogant, anti-jobs, un-American Muslim Socialist that otherwise-decent folks have murderously learned to despise?

Is it possible for us to enable Romney haters -- who have convinced themselves of the "secretive
MENACE" caricature [see above] of Mitt Romney -- to vote up or down on "his" policies without them being "his" at all, but just "policies" attached to a billboard or robot rather than to a handsome Mormon with a rich wife driving 4 cadillacs and riding car elevators in posh southern California?

Any suggestions, for practical implementations of this "Replace Reality-Show Human Candidates with Billboards" campaign to save the USA from its politically chaotic 2012 self?

Notice how ad hominem [like, "personal"] these criticisms are.
Then think back on Bill Clinton's DNC speech about GOP folks "hating" Obama & "us Democrats."
This is killing us as a country, ruining our ability to make sensible policy.

1 comment:

  1. The words "stupid" and "hate" are not allowed in our house, Eed. Jonas noticed that people who say stupid certainly are, and Owen says that hate isn't nice. So there you go. This blog is smart and we love you!
