Monday, January 14, 2013

Beware All Simple Solutions: Still . . .

Mon. Jan. 14, 2013:

Dear Readers,
Maybe y'all know long-retired columnist Charlie Reese, of the Orlando Sentinel.  I do not.

Maybe he has a looney right-wing track record.  The webmeister claims it is "neither anti-democratic nor anti-republican."  [Should it trouble us that the webmeister should have spelled it "anti-Democratic
nor anti-Republican"?  More illiteracy.]
Google has Charlie Reese sandwiched among countless cartoons favoring Tea Party views.

Beware of simple solutions.

Still, there is something compelling about what the web is purporting to be Charlie Reese's Final Column, from way back in 2001.

I share it here, and welcome your commentary:


                                                    Psssst, Charlie:  Including Veep, 546?'s_Final_Column/20504/0/38/38/Y/M.html

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