Friday, January 11, 2013

Hey, Someone in the NYT Agrees with Bites!

Fri. Jan. 11, 2013:

Dear Worthies,
Finally -- proof that you have not been wasting your time reading this blog.  At least, not totally.

Please note the following letter to the editors of the NYT, printed yesterday, Thu. Jan. 10, 2013:

Re “After Pinpointing Gun Owners, Paper Is a Target” (front page, Jan. 7):
Am I the only person confused by the inconsistent reasoning of America’s most vociferous pro-gun supporters? Since the tragedy in Newtown, Conn., pro-gun activists have insisted that “bad” people with guns would stay away from places where they knew that “good” people, too, had guns. Thus they advise arming the “good” people.
But now we learn from the president of the Westchester County Firearms Owners Association that its members are “really upset” with a local newspaper that published public records identifying the names and addresses of the area’s presumably “good” gun owners, and that those identified are “afraid for their families.”
Huh? If “bad” people with guns will be deterred by knowing which “good” people also have guns, shouldn’t identifying them assure the “good” ones of more safety, not less?

And speaking of safety, how come those “really upset” gun owners are threatening to destroy the incomes of, and even to shoot, the owners and employees of the offending newspaper? I thought they were supposed to be the “good” people. Maybe that’s the problem in America these days. It’s so hard to tell the “good” people from the “bad” ones.
Beverly Hills, Calif., Jan. 7, 2013

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