Friday, January 25, 2013

More Signs that a 21st Century Ft. Sumter Looms

Fri. Jan. 25, 2013:

From Texas, most notably, we currently hear talk of presidential impeachment and secession.
It is 1859-style rhetoric, if not 1860-style.
We shall see how long it continues.

Meanwhile, here are 2 more signs, beyond Texas Talk:

1.  Armed "volunteers" -- in marked police cars -- are now patrolling schools.
This is a continuing process of vigilante behavior from Sheriff Joe Arpaio's "immigration patrol posse" of Maricopa County, Arizona.

2.  The Texas Attorney General is spending some of his extra super-pac money to run ads urging New Yorkers to flee their state for Texas, where new gun-control laws like New York's will not happen any time soon.

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