Saturday, June 30, 2012

Mission Impossible: How to Defuse the Anger?

Sat. June 30, 2012:

These are dark days, for those trying to keep an open mind within USA politics.

Today's Mission Impossible, dear readers -- should you choose to accept it -- is to analyze the following viral conservative internet joke, and then, answer the following questions:
Is there anything wrong in it?
If not, acknowledge the anger & frustration it represents, and do something constructive about it?

On Becoming Illegal. 


Becoming Illegal (Actual letter from an Oregon resident sent to his senator,)
The Honorable Wydon
731 Hart Senate Office Building
Phone (202) 224 3254
Washington DC , 20510
Dear Senator Wydon,
As a native Oregonian and excellent customer of the Internal Revenue Service, I am writing to ask for your assistance. I have contacted the Department of Homeland Security in an effort to determine the process for becoming an illegal alien and they referred me to you.
My primary reason for wishing to change my status from U.S. Citizen to illegal alien stems from the bill which was recently passed by the Senate and for which you voted. If my understanding of this bill is accurate, as an illegal alien who has been in the United States for five years, all I need to do to become a citizen is to pay a $2,000 fine and income taxes for only three of the last five years. I know a good deal when I see one and I am anxious to get the process started before everyone figures it out.
 Simply put, those of us who have been here legally have had to pay taxes every year so I'm excited about the prospect of avoiding two years of taxes in return for paying a $2,000 fine. Is there any way that I can apply to be illegal retroactively? This would yield an excellent result for me and my family because we paid heavy taxes in 2004 and 2005. 
Additionally, as an illegal alien I could begin using the local emergency room as my primary health care provider Once I have stopped paying premiums for medical insurance, my accountant figures I could save almost $10,000 a year.
Another benefit in gaining illegal status would be that my daughter would receive preferential treatment relative to her law school applications, as well as 'in-state' tuition rates for many colleges throughout the United States for my son.
Lastly, I understand that illegal status would relieve me of the burden of renewing my driver's license and making those burdensome car insurance premiums. This is very important to me, given that I still have college age children driving my car.
 If you would provide me with an outline of the process to become illegal (retroactively if possible) and copies of the necessary forms, I would be most appreciative. Thank you for your assistance 
Your Loyal Constituent, (hoping to reach 'illegal alien' status rather than just a bonafide citizen of the USA )
Dale B Rilyeu
Lebanon, Or
Get your Forms (NOW)!!
Call your Internal Revenue Service at 1-800-289-1040

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thomas Jefferson: "An INFORMED Electorate"

Thu. June 29, 2012:

Worthy Readers:  You will recall that this humble blog,, began with the bedrock assumption that Jefferson's democratic republic is still what Lincoln had postulated -- "the last best hope on earth."  

But both giants had expected our electorate to be an INFORMED one.

What follows -- in the wake of this morning's surprising Supreme Court decision upholding the 2010 Affordable Care Act --  is discouraging evidence to the contrary, where ignorance is king.
A republic has no king -- especially if the monarch is ignorance itself.

First, please, everyone should thank the Aristotle of Arrowsic for discovering this raw primary evidence.
Second, read it and weep -- for our country, shared over the ages with Jefferson & Lincoln:


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Can We Save Our Country from Partisan Poison?

Wed. June 27, 2012:

Gentle readers, here is one of the more thoughtful pieces spelling out the depth of
our democratic republic's partisanship disease [the raison d'ĂȘtre, we recall, for our modest blog],
plus, hints of what to do about it:
                                                           commentator Clive Crook

Need more evidence?

1.  Here is a whole website dedicated to a fair mix of views from both sides of the political spectrum.  It is a great site, but each item demonstrates exactly what Clive Crook was saying, above.

2.  David Brooks tried to go at this subject too, a few days ago.  Notice the partisan flak he catches, from both sides:

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

NYT Prints Defense & Attack of Citizens United

Tues. June 26, 2012:

No surprise that NYT attacks yesterday's Supreme Court refusal to change Citizens United.
But the paper also printed a vigorous letter defending that decision.  It does not "buy" elections, says a Virginia lawyer, but simply "allows voters to decide for themselves what messages they want to consider."

Both views deserve a fair-minded reading.  Decide for yourselves where the flaws are.



Monday, June 25, 2012

Now, the "Vocabulary War": Libs Whining? Or . . .

Mon. June 25, 2012:

Is our country's political polarization now fighting on a new "Vocabulary War" front?
The Atlantic is seen as a liberal source, so the following may just be liberals losing & whining.
Read for yourselves, and consider:

[Again, Bites thanks the Aristotle of Arrowsic -- a frequent resource.]

Sad thing is, Atlantic's liberal author missed the two most successful conservative vocabulary victories:
1.  Affordable Care Act becomes "Obamacare"
2.  Democratic party becomes "Democrat" party [like, "Communist" party or "Socialist" party]

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Death-bed Scene for Affordable Care Act

Sun. June 24, 2012:

Most folks reckon that tomorrow (Friday at the latest) will be the big day:

The U.S. Supreme Court will announce its decision [likely 5-4, as with most rulings from this ideological Roberts Court] to strike down the 2010 Affordable Care Act -- in full, or, the indispensable "individual mandate" provision which even Republican Congressional leaders had favored during the 1990's.

Today's lead story in the Sunday NYT -- that Democrats blew the drafting & defending of the 2010 Affordable Care Act -- is better late than never.
Its tardiness supports Republican charges that NYT editors suffer from liberal-colored lenses.
The story's prominence on today's front page supports the fair-minded's claim that the NYT tries to report bipartisan & nonpartisan news & opinion -- despite extremists' out-of-hand dismissiveness.

Note that the article includes evidence of Nancy Pelosi's, and the White House's, arrogant certainty on the issue, based on several Supreme Court precedents on federal legislating power through the
interstate commerce clause [1787 U.S. Constitution:  "Congress shall have the power to regulate commerce among the several states"].

Three days ago, a Times headline ran on page A14:

                              Opinion of Health Care Law Reflects Ad Spending

"The Democrats have done a very poor job of selling the program," said Gary Schiff, 65 a retired teacher and businessman here [Doylestown, PA].  "All you hear about it now is the Republicans saying what's wrong with it:  that it's socialism, that it's going to bankrupt the country.  I'll give them credit; they're great at framing the debate."

That success may stem in large part from more than $200 million in advertising spending by an array of conservative groups . . . In all, about $235 million has been spent on ads attacking the law since its passage in March 2010, according to a recent survey . . . Only $69 million has been spent on advertising supporting it . . . and none of its ads mentioning the law are currently being broadcast.

Conservatives and Republicans are on the eve of a big policy victory.
How will liberals and Democrats respond?

James Carville says, Democrats can campaign & win the 2012 Election against this and other decisions of the Roberts Court's ideological 5-4 majority.  We shall see.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Does the G.O.P. Brand Deserve Suspicion?

Sun. June 23, 2012:     [Part 2]

Two case studies for the fair-minded to ponder:

One Ginia Bellafante has discovered the following little story of Congressman Bob Turner at a public elementary school in Brooklyn:
Brooklyn Congressman Anthony Wiener's replacement Bob Turner

One Jeffrey Goldberg, reporter for the Atlantic, has discovered the following story about the Romney campaign's decision not to discuss Mormonism:

Reprising Jack Paar 1960: "As I was saying . . . "

Sat. June 23, 2012:

On Feb. 11, 1960, Tonight Show host Jack Paar famously walked off the show.
When he returned 3 weeks later, he even more famously opened with:
"As I was saying, before being interrupted . . . "

Dearly beloved reader(s):
Bitesfromedwin 2012 hereby reprises Jack Paar 2012.

What better way to start, than with 2 examples of NYT sources trying to help the
few fair-minded out there, by fact-checking The Truth -- from both extreme left and extreme right?

[By the way:  So far, none of our beloved Bitesfrom Faithful has yet fulfilled our pre-Jack Paar challenge:
to find even ONE example of a conservative newspaper, like WSJ, testing the truths of both right & left.
Are such things out there?  Help!  Otherwise, NYT holds the field -- by default!]

      A.  If we can believe the following source, both Obama & Romney lie through their teeth on the campaign trail --  [ALERT:  PRIME STUFF FOR THE FAIR-MINDED] -- 

but Republican lies are bigger:

      B.  Thomas L. Friedman, a "liberal" in the eyes of virtually every "conservative,"
blasts away at "liberal" president Barack Obama for misusing Warren Buffett:

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bedfellows Jeb Bush & James Carville

Wed. June 13, 2012:

You know June is not going well for the USA when Jeb Bush bemoans his own party's extremism
and James Carville bemoans the Obama campaign's ineptitude.  Both conservative & liberal sources document this:

1. The conservative National Review:
James Carville expresses dismay at the Obama campaign's snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

2.A short article from the liberal NYT:
AND, an even shorter NYT editorial on the same story:

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

See? NYT/Bloomberg Full of Bad News for Obama

Tues. June 12, 2012:

In case our conservative readers were skeptical that "liberal" press prints bad news & negative views on Obama -- unlike "conservative" press on Republicans -- here are examples from both Bloomberg News and the NYT:

1.  Bloomberg News argues that both Obama and Romney need to emulate President Eisenhower -- especially to muzzle their parties' extremists.
2.  NYT:  "Obama Campaign Seeks to Move On After Tough Week":  "We got beat," emailed Obama's campaign manager.

3.  NYT:  "At Meeting of Left's Online Activists, Weighing Impact of Attack Ads":
Republicans are clobbering Democrats in the attack-ads wars.
"Internet-savvy members of the political left have found the root of their problem -- the 'superPACs' unleashed by the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling.

They just do not know how to solve it."

Monday, June 11, 2012

Wall Street Journal, NYT, Bloomberg News

Mon. June 11, 2012:

Dear Readers, it is an honor to seek truths for those who want fair-mindedness.
In that spirit:
After several days of focusing more than ever on self-proclaimed conservative publications
-- The National Review and The Wall Street Journal -- one observation surfaces tentatively to the top of this blogger's brain.

Namely, this:  The NYT makes at least a pretense of balance.  On any given day, it runs several different pieces that make negative points against Democrats, liberals, and Obama.  It also prints positive news about Republicans, conservatives, and Romney.

To be sure, there are moments of gratuituous liberal excess.  For example, last week, its "Home Section" ran a piece about Romney's expensive home in La Jolla irking a few of his neighbors.

But even that piece noted that complaining neighbors were partisan Democrats, and the NYT piece made light of their complaints!
Still:  "Morning Joe's host Joe Scarborough -- formerly a Republican Congressman --  was so annoyed by the NYT's "cheap-shot" La Jolla piece, that he defied anyone to find the NYT doing such a negative thing to any Democratic candidate, ever.

[Within moments, an assistant found an even worse NYT item on the front page in 2004, calling out Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry for his wind-surfing, his wealthy wife Teresa Heinz, and other wealthy trappings.  Scarborough's anti-NYT rant tailed off.  Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show" later poked fun at this Scarborough moment.]

Parenthetically:  "Morning Joe," hosted by a Republican, is on the decidedly liberal network MSNBC.
Fox News used to have "Hannity & Combs" -- Combs being a relatively liberal counterpoint voice.  That did not work out, and it's now "The Hannity Show."

It is fair to say, NYT is more liberal than not.  But its content suggests an awareness of what fair-mindedness is, and strives for it much of the time -- if not enough.  With the Wall Street Journal, one is hard-pressed to reach a similar conclusion.  It bears the tone of a Murdoch publication.  The National Review's mission is avowedly partisan, and makes no secret of it.  Liberals have plenty of similar mouthpieces.  But so far, those on the right who assert that WSJ = NYT need to make a more persuasive case.  One wishes it were true, but so far, I don't see it.

So, where can the fair-minded go, for reliably fair-minded balance in news & opinion?
Readers, if you know, please inform us.

Meanwhile, as promised, here are several interesting mostly liberal pieces from left-of-center
Bloomberg News:



3.  Bloomberg News even runs a conservative, pro-business piece!  From former Travelers CEO
Jay Fishman:


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Reagan=Keynes? "WSJ Needs Anti-Krugman!"

Sat. June 9, 2012:

Keynes is still on a roll.  "Reagan Was A Keynesian," writes Paul Krugman in yesterday's NYT.

And now, today's conservative National Review is criticizing the Wall Street Journal for not having an effective enough "Anti-Krugman"!


But 2 of the most important articles from the last three days were:

1.  "U.S. Regulator Concedes Oversight Lapse in JPMorgan Loss":

2.  "The Age of Unsatisfying Wars":

Friday, June 8, 2012

Wall Street Journal Argues vs. Keynesianism

Fri. June 8, 2012:

John Maynard Keynes won't go away.
The Wall Street Journal attacks Keynesian theory with gusto, and less directly, the Nobel prize-winning Keynesian economist Paul Krugman of the NYT.  WSJ's editorial yesterday criticized Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernancke for espousing Keynesian government spending.

For an open-minded non-economist citizen, who are we to believe?

Again, one wishes our free press could cut through all the partisan noise, and offer a serious study to test both Krugman's liberal hypothesis and the WSJ's conservative one.
Dear Readers, has anyone seen a nonpartisan, trustworthy assessment in a major newspaper?

Krugman's wish for a big injection of government spending, to stimulate a sick economy, is the exact wrong thing to do, says the WSJ.  

Contrary to this chart, says the WSJ, Keynesians' "multiplier nonsense" for every government stimulus dollar spent is bogus, and actually "close to zero."
Instead, the answer is massive cuts in government spending, AND, extension of the Bush tax cuts indefinitely -- including for big businesses & wealthy investors.  Otherwise, they won't invest.

But, let the WSJ speak directly:

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Again, Keynes: "In the Long Run, We're All Dead"

Thu. June 7, 2012:        [PART TWO]

For busy 30-something two-job couples in Redondo or families nation-wide, yesterday's news has
2 items worth knowing.  The following may seem too long to read.  But actually, for your intellectual curiosities & convenience, it distills 42 pages of newspapers.  Today, no need to click on links.
To save time, the "greatest hits" from yesterday are right here.  NYT and WSJ covered both of these
2 items.  They are bipartisan items, offering bipartisan proposals.

Whether you are Republican or Democrat, these stories will concern your own children -- in economics & war -- and hence "the long run" about which famous British economist John Maynard Keynes was so flippant back in the 1920's & 1930's.  The serious angle is, How should we balance short-run urgent needs, with long-run consequences & safety?  Yesterday's 2 items raise dilemmas about presidential power in fighting foreign wars, and Congressional/Wall Street powers in steering our banking/fiscal futures.  Yo, busy 30-somethings, here's the skinny on behalf of your kids:

                                                                Drone Over Pakistan

I.  The 1st item follows an expanding foreign policy story.  A NYT exclusive earlier this week divulged that President Obama was using his Commander-in-Chief powers to help target -- personally -- top-threat terrorist leaders in Pakistan & Yemen.  When the story first ran, its details were so sensitive, that bitesfromedwin suspected -- and said so -- someone in or around the White House had leaked them.
Now, yesterday's NYT has 3 pieces developing similar logic, and here they are,
for those who have time:

        A.  Thomas E. Ricks has given us one of the shrewdest NONPARTISAN book reviews seen in a long time.  It reviews a respected senior reporter's [David E. Sanger's] new study Confront and Conceal: Obama's Secret Wars and Surprising Use of American Power.  Whoever leaked the TWO stories this weak -- one about Obama's secret drone targeting, the second about Obama's personal hand in joining Israel to cyberfight Iran & its nuclear program -- it appears the 2 leaks went to David E. Sanger himself.
Reviewer Ricks says this astounding story, by itself, is worth the price of Sanger's new book.
But he also says Sanger made mistakes -- the most important of which was missing the same "dysfunctional" relationship between a president & the Pentagon that hurt JFK & LBJ so badly in Vietnam [and Ricks could have added: Cuba in 1961-2].

       B.  [BURIED ON PAGE A12]:  "Senators to Open Inquiry Into 'Kill List' and Iran Security Leaks" -- "The Senate will investigate recent national security leaks to the news media after articles in The NYT about a 'kill list' for terrorists and the use of cyberweapons against Iran . . . "
Senators Dianne Feinstein [D-CA], Carl Levin [D-MI], and John McCain [R-AZ] expressed concern.

       C.  Nothing less than NYT's "Quote of the Day" -- a big deal to its editors -- comes from another Drone Strike piece.  It quotes a skeptic of CIA & Obama drone tactics:  "Killing the top leadership harms Al Qaeda, but it won't defeat them . . . Al Qaeda has a far deeper bench than the administration gives it credit for . . . [While drone strikes offered an attractive "short-term tactic" against Qaeda militants], "Until we tackle Al Qaeda's ideology, state support and ability to exploit ungoverned space in countries like Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen, you're not going to defeat the organization."

II.  Yesterday's 2nd crucial item comes from Edouardo Porter's "Economic Scene" column,
BURIED IN SECTION B [but at least on p. B1]:
"Obama's Fate Rests in Part On Europe" -- Porter's biggest contribution is to give us the Long Run polarizing effect of ALL economic/financial crises, not just the short-run polarization in 2012's Europe and the U.S.A.
Four Porter paragraphs will suffice:

          "[Obama's] attempts to convince voters as he stumps around the country that Europe's financial mess and Republican obstrction are largely to blame for the faltering economy only underscore how his destiny hinges on decisions by other people, notably the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, 
and the Republican speaker of the House, John A. Boehner.

          At home, the president's plans to stimulate the economy with [middle-class] tax cuts [NOT for the top 1%] and spending programs have invariably crashed against solid Republican opposition in Congress.  As a result the government is becoming a big drag on the economy, cutting more than half a million jobs at the federal, state and municipal level since national employment bottomed out in February 2010."

          "This kind of political polarization may be a standard feature of financial crises.  Economists have noted that such crises naturally widen the chasm between the interests of creditors [lenders]
-- like banks, investors and even governments -- and debtors [borrowers, e.g. the mortgaged], who are suddenly made insolvent by a crisis that takes away their jobs and destroys the value of their homes.

          Creditors push austerity as the best way for debtors to repay their debts.  They oppose efforts to write down or renegotiate loans, or to allow higher inflation to erode their value.  And creditors, better financed and organized, usually gain the upper hand.  Debtors, who are generally poorer, lose." 
As if to dramatize Porter's long-run pattern of have/have-not polarization during economic crises, yesterday's other poignant news clips include:

1.  "House Bill Takes a Scythe to Spending":

"Financial regulators would lose hundreds of millions of dollars needed to implement the new Wall Street regulator law.  The IRS's budget would not be increased, with a prohibition of cash transfers to implement the health care law.  President Obama's energy-efficiency and renewable energy efforts
[embarrassed by the notorious collapse of federally aided green company Solyndra] would be gutted, along with international climate change programs.  And regulations to force new efficiency standards in federal buildings would be blocked."  [NYT June 6, 2012, p. A15]

2.  "The North Carolina Judicial Coalition is a new tax-exempt organization known as a super PAC, supported by wealthy conservative Republicans who are determined to make this year's race for a seat on the North Carolina Supreme Court ideological and expensive.

     This kind of influence in judicial elections is a direct result of the Citizens United decision, which allows corporations [booming] & unions [waning] to make unlimited so-called independent expenditures in campaigns.  In a dissent in that case, Justice John Paul Stevens

predicted that such spending would overwhelm state court races, which would be especially harmful since judges must not only be independent but be seen to be independent as well.  North Carolina is proving him right."

And in closing, international & Middle East columnist Tom Friedman

suggests a Long Term/Short Term way that USA's Obama should try to bridge Porter's long-run divide:

"If I were President Obama, I'd focus my entire campaign now on an effort to regorg a 'grand bargain' with Republicans based on a near-term infrastructure stimulus tied with a Simpson-Bowles long-term fiscal rebalancing.  At a minimum, it would show that Obama has a sensible plan to fix the
economy -- which is what people want most from the president -- and many in business would surely support it.  We cannot wait until January to do serious policy making again.  We, and the world, need America to be a rock of stability -- now."

A Tribute to Redondo Beach: This Blog's Mission

Thu. June 7, 2012:     [PART ONE]

Long overdue is a "bitesfromedwin" Mission Statement reminder, for old & new Worthy Readers.
And beating within it is a source of great hope -- the heartbeat of an adviser, friend & son who resides in Redondo Beach, California, and who will turn 34 later this month.
His -- and his whole generation's -- challenge to this blog is this:

We 30-somethings are so preoccupied, struggling to build our careers & families, that 
we don't have time to get balanced news summaries, let alone open-minded assessments of that news.

The mission of is to provide this.
Its author was born in a Republican household in a Republican neighborhood of Rockford, Illinois.
His secondary schooling was conservative, his universities liberal.
But in his first presidential election, 1964, he could not bring himself to vote for Republican Goldwater
OR Democratic LBJ, so he threw away his vote on a nameless libertarian.
Since then, his political search has been for the best combination of actions & thoughts that would help our democratically inclined republic called U.S.A. -- what Lincoln famously labeled "the last best hope of mankind" -- and therefore not just U.S.A. but also the entire planet and its mankind.

When I see bad actions/ideas from the right, I try to expose them.
When I see bad actions/ideas from the left, I try to expose them -- this needs to improve.

Method:  Spend most waking hours winnowing through just ONE major relatively reliable long newspaper, The New York Times -- which is left-of-center but less than supposed.
It is a huge task to glean from one big paper.

With more time, I would try to glean from another relatively reliable long newspaper which leans right.  The Wall Street Journal is probably the best candidate -- although its reliability has recently suffered from its Murdoch ownership & even occasional bottom-front-page banner ads for Fox News and other self-proclaimed rightist voices.

My Arrowsic muse reminds me:  Nonpartisan sources include ""
My Redondo muse reminds me:  This blog needs to do a better job finding truth from right-of-center, to show trusty faith in looking for what will best help our troubled country & planet.  More polarization from "" would NOT be much of a contribution.
In 2012, I see Lincoln's democratic republic most endangered by our own political & socioeconomic polarization.  Lincoln himself once said, the only force that can bring down the U.S.A. is ourselves.
Are we well on our way?  This blog tries to prevent it.