Friday, June 8, 2012

Wall Street Journal Argues vs. Keynesianism

Fri. June 8, 2012:

John Maynard Keynes won't go away.
The Wall Street Journal attacks Keynesian theory with gusto, and less directly, the Nobel prize-winning Keynesian economist Paul Krugman of the NYT.  WSJ's editorial yesterday criticized Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernancke for espousing Keynesian government spending.

For an open-minded non-economist citizen, who are we to believe?

Again, one wishes our free press could cut through all the partisan noise, and offer a serious study to test both Krugman's liberal hypothesis and the WSJ's conservative one.
Dear Readers, has anyone seen a nonpartisan, trustworthy assessment in a major newspaper?

Krugman's wish for a big injection of government spending, to stimulate a sick economy, is the exact wrong thing to do, says the WSJ.  

Contrary to this chart, says the WSJ, Keynesians' "multiplier nonsense" for every government stimulus dollar spent is bogus, and actually "close to zero."
Instead, the answer is massive cuts in government spending, AND, extension of the Bush tax cuts indefinitely -- including for big businesses & wealthy investors.  Otherwise, they won't invest.

But, let the WSJ speak directly:

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