Saturday, June 23, 2012

Reprising Jack Paar 1960: "As I was saying . . . "

Sat. June 23, 2012:

On Feb. 11, 1960, Tonight Show host Jack Paar famously walked off the show.
When he returned 3 weeks later, he even more famously opened with:
"As I was saying, before being interrupted . . . "

Dearly beloved reader(s):
Bitesfromedwin 2012 hereby reprises Jack Paar 2012.

What better way to start, than with 2 examples of NYT sources trying to help the
few fair-minded out there, by fact-checking The Truth -- from both extreme left and extreme right?

[By the way:  So far, none of our beloved Bitesfrom Faithful has yet fulfilled our pre-Jack Paar challenge:
to find even ONE example of a conservative newspaper, like WSJ, testing the truths of both right & left.
Are such things out there?  Help!  Otherwise, NYT holds the field -- by default!]

      A.  If we can believe the following source, both Obama & Romney lie through their teeth on the campaign trail --  [ALERT:  PRIME STUFF FOR THE FAIR-MINDED] -- 

but Republican lies are bigger:

      B.  Thomas L. Friedman, a "liberal" in the eyes of virtually every "conservative,"
blasts away at "liberal" president Barack Obama for misusing Warren Buffett:

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