Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Tribute to Redondo Beach: This Blog's Mission

Thu. June 7, 2012:     [PART ONE]

Long overdue is a "bitesfromedwin" Mission Statement reminder, for old & new Worthy Readers.
And beating within it is a source of great hope -- the heartbeat of an adviser, friend & son who resides in Redondo Beach, California, and who will turn 34 later this month.
His -- and his whole generation's -- challenge to this blog is this:

We 30-somethings are so preoccupied, struggling to build our careers & families, that 
we don't have time to get balanced news summaries, let alone open-minded assessments of that news.

The mission of is to provide this.
Its author was born in a Republican household in a Republican neighborhood of Rockford, Illinois.
His secondary schooling was conservative, his universities liberal.
But in his first presidential election, 1964, he could not bring himself to vote for Republican Goldwater
OR Democratic LBJ, so he threw away his vote on a nameless libertarian.
Since then, his political search has been for the best combination of actions & thoughts that would help our democratically inclined republic called U.S.A. -- what Lincoln famously labeled "the last best hope of mankind" -- and therefore not just U.S.A. but also the entire planet and its mankind.

When I see bad actions/ideas from the right, I try to expose them.
When I see bad actions/ideas from the left, I try to expose them -- this needs to improve.

Method:  Spend most waking hours winnowing through just ONE major relatively reliable long newspaper, The New York Times -- which is left-of-center but less than supposed.
It is a huge task to glean from one big paper.

With more time, I would try to glean from another relatively reliable long newspaper which leans right.  The Wall Street Journal is probably the best candidate -- although its reliability has recently suffered from its Murdoch ownership & even occasional bottom-front-page banner ads for Fox News and other self-proclaimed rightist voices.

My Arrowsic muse reminds me:  Nonpartisan sources include ""
My Redondo muse reminds me:  This blog needs to do a better job finding truth from right-of-center, to show trusty faith in looking for what will best help our troubled country & planet.  More polarization from "" would NOT be much of a contribution.
In 2012, I see Lincoln's democratic republic most endangered by our own political & socioeconomic polarization.  Lincoln himself once said, the only force that can bring down the U.S.A. is ourselves.
Are we well on our way?  This blog tries to prevent it.

1 comment:

  1. Redondo Beach is a family oriented community and is a good safe place to take the family for a day trip or for a vacation........

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