Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thomas Jefferson: "An INFORMED Electorate"

Thu. June 29, 2012:

Worthy Readers:  You will recall that this humble blog,, began with the bedrock assumption that Jefferson's democratic republic is still what Lincoln had postulated -- "the last best hope on earth."  

But both giants had expected our electorate to be an INFORMED one.

What follows -- in the wake of this morning's surprising Supreme Court decision upholding the 2010 Affordable Care Act --  is discouraging evidence to the contrary, where ignorance is king.
A republic has no king -- especially if the monarch is ignorance itself.

First, please, everyone should thank the Aristotle of Arrowsic for discovering this raw primary evidence.
Second, read it and weep -- for our country, shared over the ages with Jefferson & Lincoln:


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