Sunday, June 24, 2012

Death-bed Scene for Affordable Care Act

Sun. June 24, 2012:

Most folks reckon that tomorrow (Friday at the latest) will be the big day:

The U.S. Supreme Court will announce its decision [likely 5-4, as with most rulings from this ideological Roberts Court] to strike down the 2010 Affordable Care Act -- in full, or, the indispensable "individual mandate" provision which even Republican Congressional leaders had favored during the 1990's.

Today's lead story in the Sunday NYT -- that Democrats blew the drafting & defending of the 2010 Affordable Care Act -- is better late than never.
Its tardiness supports Republican charges that NYT editors suffer from liberal-colored lenses.
The story's prominence on today's front page supports the fair-minded's claim that the NYT tries to report bipartisan & nonpartisan news & opinion -- despite extremists' out-of-hand dismissiveness.

Note that the article includes evidence of Nancy Pelosi's, and the White House's, arrogant certainty on the issue, based on several Supreme Court precedents on federal legislating power through the
interstate commerce clause [1787 U.S. Constitution:  "Congress shall have the power to regulate commerce among the several states"].

Three days ago, a Times headline ran on page A14:

                              Opinion of Health Care Law Reflects Ad Spending

"The Democrats have done a very poor job of selling the program," said Gary Schiff, 65 a retired teacher and businessman here [Doylestown, PA].  "All you hear about it now is the Republicans saying what's wrong with it:  that it's socialism, that it's going to bankrupt the country.  I'll give them credit; they're great at framing the debate."

That success may stem in large part from more than $200 million in advertising spending by an array of conservative groups . . . In all, about $235 million has been spent on ads attacking the law since its passage in March 2010, according to a recent survey . . . Only $69 million has been spent on advertising supporting it . . . and none of its ads mentioning the law are currently being broadcast.

Conservatives and Republicans are on the eve of a big policy victory.
How will liberals and Democrats respond?

James Carville says, Democrats can campaign & win the 2012 Election against this and other decisions of the Roberts Court's ideological 5-4 majority.  We shall see.

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