Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Conservative Press: NYT Out of Control!

Wed. August 22, 2012:

First, 2 NYT pieces in today's op-ed pages:

1.  Thomas Friedman's praise of what he calls genuine "conservatives":

2.  Maureen Dowd's hatchet job on Todd Akin, Paul Ryan, the anti-abortion Doctor John Willkie who

has suggested that a [legitimately?] raped woman can will herself not to get pregnant.
Entertaining for the left, infuriating to the right:

Second, the conservative press levels charges at the NYT and the Democratic party:


2.  David Brooks, of the NYT, criticizes the Democratic party for not articulating an alternative to
the Republicans on Medicare.  [Evidently the Affordable Care Act does not count for Mr. Brooks].

1 comment:

  1. Great cartoon! More and more, the GOP is its own cartoon...
