Friday, August 17, 2012

Revisionist Looks at Paul Ryan & "His" Ayn Rand

Thu. August 16, 2012:

Gentle Readers -- or, as it is Ayn Rand day on this blog -- should I say
Ferocious Unfettered Individuals:

What follows will not be pleasant reading to right-wingers.
But tomorrow is their day on Bitesfromedwin.

An unflattering analysis of Ayn Rand.  Has Mitt made a Veep Mistake?

Ayn Rand herself is okay, but she would NOT approve of Paul Ryan, or today's GOP.

Maureen Dowd's acerbic pen:
New GOP veep candidate Paul Ryan, Dowd says, is 
"the cutest package that cruelty ever came in . . ."
"Not since Ronald Reagan tried to cut the budget by categorizing ketchup and relish as vegetables has the GOP managed to find such an attractive vessel to mask harsh policies with a smiling face . . ."
"Ryan should stop being so lovable.  People who intend to hurt other people should wipe the smile off their faces."

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