Thursday, August 9, 2012

WSJ, NYT, Bloomberg News: All Blast Democrats

Thu. August 9, 2012:

A conservative friend has given me temporary access to the Wall Street Journal.
Here is a sampling:


The well-known Republican leader Karl Rove, who had earlier predicted that Romney would lose to Obama, now says Romney will win -- especially if polls currently say the two are about even.


Dems & GOP agree:  A recent superPAC ad favoring Obama is grossly inaccurate & unfair
to Romney.


A letter to the editor bemoans the rampant dishonesty of U.S. politicians -- especially the ads and speeches of Obama & Romney.  There will be responses to this letter in the Sun. Aug. 12 NYT.


Here's a short nonpartisan letter to the NYT, worthy of full quotation:

Re:  "Where's the Outrage?," by Charles M. Blow (column, July 28):

     I am outraged about the excessive amounts of money being funneled into the election campaigns.
     Each candidate should be given the same amount of money and the same amount of air time, and the campaigns should be restricted to tree months, not a year and a half.  Maybe then our elected officials would have time to do the jobs they were elected to do.
     Just think what a wonderful country this could be if the people who contribute large amounts of money to the campaigns could instead spend that money usefully -- to reduce poverty, provide health care and affordable education, or fix our roads.
     The lack of social conscience is appalling.
                                                              Carol Delaney, Providence, RI, July 29, 2012


LAST BUT NOT LEAST:  Maureen Dowd, the same columnist who has savaged Mitt Romney is several columns, this time levels harsh criticism of the aloof Obama
-- "The Ungrateful President."
He doesn't even write thankyou notes.

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