Wednesday, August 29, 2012

ONE Must-Read for the Busy; MORE for Seniors

Wed. August 29, 2012:

Gentle Souls -- starting today, a new format:

For the Young, Uninitiated, Busy Multi-taskers,
 just ONE item for the day, along with explanatory notes.

For us Older, Sadder, and Seen-It-Alls [in Portland, Oregon, they are
"Honored Citizens" -- NOT "Senior Citizens"],
there will be more items, either on the same theme as for the young, or on more themes as well.


Today, the ONE item comes from Australia's travelling lefty wit, Guy Rundle -- heretofore described as Australia's 21st-Century version of the 1830's French nobleman Alexis deTocqueville, who wrote the classic travelogue for a curious aristocratic European readership, entitled Democracy in America.

Notice his take from a 5-star hotel in the middle of Tampa's Republican National Convention.
AND I QUOTE HERE GUY RUNDLE'S PITHIEST PARAGRAPHS, from his report filed a couple days ago:

"[The 2008 (Sarah Palin picked as Veep) GOP Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota] 
was a long long time ago, and the party is older and a little wiser, at least as far as VP choice is concerned. They have as their candidate Mitt Romney, a man who excites no one, not even Mitt Romney. To appease the base, but purportedly avoid the bad craziness of the Palin trip, they have chosen Paul Ryan, a thoroughly competent, highly intelligent, utterly lunatic Ayn Randian manorexic from Wisconsin. 


But that doesn't make for much of a party, and the gathering at Tropicana was, well, not subdued -- the Republicans are too batshit crazy to be subdued -- but lacking a certain genuine zest of yesteryear. "I cannot believe that the American people will re-elect a man who knows nothing about what America is," said Jim, a huge man, near spherical, in a blue blazer and tan slacks. He was from Iowa, from whose name he removed the sole vowel, rendering it as "Ow", like a cry of pain. He was angry with the media, which had been grudgingly admitted. His wife, Maeve, a delicately boned woman in a lace dress, was more conciliatory.

"You're from Australia? Do you know about Barack Obama and what's he done?" She peeked out from behind her husband, orbiting him like a moon. Did they think Romney would win? "Yessir, but it's a battle," said Jim. Maeve: "What with the liberal media ..."



For our Senior ["Honored"] Citizens with extra reading time, here is more:

1.  Not just Australians, but also British journals like The Economist have a low opinion of Candidate Romney's "programme."

2.  A nonpartisan new take on Medicare,
which argues that both Dems & GOP miss the point about what Medicare's future should be
-- creating huge savings through the simple step of "Wellness" steps:

3.  Nobody likes a moocher, but if the GOP wins in 2012, there is much more they could do to cut down on mooching -- including Republican moochers -- and increase real American equality of opportunity besides cutting taxes on the rich:

4.  Mitt should drop his pandering foreign-policy positions, and instead
apply his corporate expertise to slashing huge excesses & inefficiencies from the Pentagon.

1.  British journals like The Economist -- not just the Australians -- have a low opinion of Candidate Romney's "programme."

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