Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bully Bully For You, Bully Bully For Me

Wed. April 11, 2012:

1.  Gotta hand it to Karl Rove.
He is reputed to be the bully who orchestrates recent claims that Obama is being a bully.
This is part of a truly despicable -- but in our electorate perhaps effective -- judo tactic to figure out your own weaknesses and then negate them by refashioning your opponent by accusing him of the same weaknesses.  And, do it more often than he does, with more money than he has.
Remember Propaganda Minister Goebbels's advice:  If you're going to lie, make it a big lie, and
repeat it over & over.

2.  A few folks are beginning to get it:
Want to scale down our federal debts & deficits?  Why not re-route all these obscene SuperPAC billions
-- Democratic and Republican.  This hypocrisy from our deficit-hawk bullies continues to be breathtaking.

1 comment:

  1. I'm dubious that the SuperPACers want to reduce the debt. They own a lot of it, don't they? Uncle Sam is pretty dependable in his payouts.

    When this election is over, a lot of people are going to be retching, throwing up from too much SuperPAC poison. Thank you, John Roberts, you slick catspaw.
