Saturday, April 21, 2012

"President Romney"? Hillary Rosen, Save Us!

Sat. April 21, 2012:

You'd think that Republican primaries would have wrecked Mitt's chances in the General forever.

But no.  He has already tied Obama in the polls.  With attack ads & big money, Romney's campaign crushed every other Republican pretender -- no matter how pathetic.  Huge money is rolling in, 90% of Republican voters are falling in line, endorsements coming from everywhere, veep & convention bumps still ahead.

Worse for Obama, economic recovery limps along, GSA & Secret Service scandals will ripen as "his fault," and little seems to be going right in China, Europe, Iran, North Korea.

It's time for Hillary Rosen to emerge from hiding & rescue the nation, to atone for her Ann Romney gaffe.
She needs to call the press, go perch herself on a Trump Tower window ledge, and threaten to jump unless Ann Romney agrees to hire Ms. Rosen as her cleaning lady, given the "choice" Ms. Romney made to be an overworked stay-at-home Mom.

If Hillary Rosen does not sacrifice herself for the country's future, it now appears more likely than not that all that Republican obstructionist bullying & Tea Party extremism since Jan. 2009 will be rewarded with victory in 2012.  USA did elect a black president, but has yet to prove that it is capable of re-electing one.

1.  Will a "President Romney" do something to stop blueberry bushes from blossoming around Walden Pond 6 weeks earlier than they did for Thoreau in 1853?

2.  Will "President Romney" stop cowboy drilling by our oil companies?
BP's fines after the Gulf spill may seem big, but oil companies see them as just a "business expense."  NYT of 4/20/12:  "Two years after analysts questioned whether extraordinary cost and loss of confidence might drive BP out of business, it has come roaring back.  It collected more than $375 billion in 2011, pocketing $26 billion in profits.  What the gulf spill has taught us is that no matter how bad the disaster (and the environmental impact), the potential consequences have never been large enough to dissuade BP [add: or the whole oil industry?] from placing profits ahead of prudence.  That might change if a real person was forces to take responsibility -- or if the government . . . banned the company from future federal oil leases and permits altogether.  Fines just don't matter."

3.  Will "President Romney" stop USA's self-destructive politically gridlocking cable-TV punditry?
The current director of the University of Delaware's center for political communication, said that Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity "helped to transform news television into opinion television in the United States."  He called the shift "regrettable," but also "undeniably popular."  [NYT 4/21/12]

4.  The wealthy white USA, back in control under a "President Romney," will make it less likely that
the NYT casually prints the following sign that our social fabric is falling apart -- Tupac fan Russell Potter in NYT 4/20/12 excuses Tupac Shakur's swearing tirade [at SF police, who were there to help him shoot a film scene!] thusly:  "But that's the way it is with living people, especially people who live large and outloud the way Tupac did.  His vulnerabilities -- his missteps, his rants, his all-too-human shortcomings -- were also a part of his charm {emphasis mine} and underlay the love his fans still feel for him."  As discouraging as Russell Potter's rationalization is to us older citizens, Republican thuggery  has used similar rationalizations to poison our entire political discourse since Jan. 20, 2009.
Democrats' crime, by contrast, has been to appease, to shrink away in cowardice.

5.  Thomas Friedman begs Mayor Bloomberg to run as a 3rd choice for president -- if only to force thuggish bullies on the right & cowards on the left to save the USA, "the last best hope of mankind."

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