Monday, April 30, 2012

No Colbert/Stewart, but Republican Humor!

Mon. April 30, 2012:

Yea, verily, there are Republican humorists:

1.  Check out Eric Cantor in this crowd, smiling if not exactly laughing:

2.  John Eastman, in the Bloomberg View:  Conservatives' upcoming victories in the Supreme Court are NOT the fault of Obama's Solicitor General, Donald Verrilli.  They are Obama's fault, for saddling poor Verrilli with untenable positions!

3.  Rob Long, "The Long View," in The National Review:

4.  The Republicans' "confidence fairy" may be dead:  "Confidence-inspiring policies [like no regulations on big business, no taxes on the rich, and big cuts to welfare spending] will foster and not hamper economic recovery," Paul Krugman quotes former European Central Bank president Jean-Claude Trichet.  Adds Krugman:  "Appeals to the wonders of confidence are something Herbert Hoover would have found completely familiar -- and faith in the confidence fairy has worked out about as well for modern Europe as it did for Hoover's America [of 1929-1933]."
So now, with Sarkozy about to lose to a French socialist, and even the Dutch rebelling against austerity,policies, "this was the month the confidence fairy died," writes Krugman.

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