Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Political Stunts" from the "Democrat" Party

Tues. April 17, 2012:

 1. When Republicans made hay over Hillary Rosen's notorious slur of Ann Romney as a woman who had never worked a day in her life, Democrats labeled Republicans' reaction as a "political stunt." Now, Republicans accuse Democrats' Buffett Rule vote in the U.S. Senate as a "political stunt." Sturdy readers: "Political" means "Whom does the ordinary person obey?" In a democratic republic, politicians are meant to obey "the people." If "the people" decide to hold Hillary Rosen's assinine slur against the Democratic (oops, sorry! "Democrat" -- as in "Communist!") administration, then so be it. If "the people" reckon that the Buffett Rule makes sense in a country where the top 1% own an unfair proportion of America's wealth, then "the people" will have passed final judgment. In sum, EVERY SINGLE ACTION TAKEN DURING A POLITICAL CAMPAIGN is a "Political Stunt." So, whenever you hear one politician accusing another of a "political stunt," NOTICE that she or he is afraid to say that the substance of the "stunt" happens to be true.

 2. Notice ideological Republicans like to refer to the Democratic party as the "Democrat" party. They got away with their insidious term of a use "ObamaCare." So why not insinuate "Communist" or "Terrorist" with a similar opprobrious construction: "Democrat"?
Right in character: Republicans peddle FEAR, Democrats peddle FAIR.

1 comment:

  1. Or in the words of the witches (or was it "Pinocchio" Romney?):
    Fair is foul and foul is fair...
