Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lamestream Media Proves Me Wrong

Sat. April 14, 2012:

Lo & behold, further scouring shows that I underestimated the lamestream media, on at least two important "uncovered topics."
It has indeed published somewhat revealing articles about Fracking, and about the National Rifle Association.

1.  See Joe Nocero, "How to Frack Responsibly," NYT Feb. 28, 2012.  Long story short, there are genuine & serious dangers, and genuine opportunities too, if we proceed with caution.  [Gee, isn't that exactly the approach President Obama took, regarding the Keystone Pipeline?  Still -- What a Socialist!]

2.  See Erica Goode, "N.R.A Push Has Advanced Broader Laws On Self-Defense,"  NYT Fri. April 13, 2012.  This article is buried on the bottom of page A14, but if its research can be believed, it exposes the National Rifle Association's extremely dangerous tactics -- with countless fatal results -- behind the Stand Your Ground laws in Florida, Wisconsin, and over twenty other states, and counting.

Ms. Goode's most telling passages:
     a)  "In a legislative alert on its Website, the NRA asked members to 'please express your support for this critically important self-defense legislation' and for 'NRA-recommended amendments to these bills in order to make the final product a stronger law.'  The bill, the [NRA] said in the alert, 'ensures that you don't have to second-guess yourself when defending your home from intruders.'  [There was "second-guessing" in such situations, before Stand Your Ground laws?]
Further, it said, 'It also provides civil immunity for good citizens who are acting defensively against violence.' "  [Wouldn't "civil immunity" automatically exist, when acting defensively against violence?]

     b)  "Last year, the NRA spent $97,701 and 627 hours lobbying or engaging in other activities in Wisconsin on behalf of the self-defense law and the concealed carry law, according to the State Legislature Web site."

     c)  " 'A lot of politicians are apprehensive to go against the initiatives of the National Rifle Association,' said Representative Nick Milroy, a Democrat from northern Wisconsin . . .  'For a lot of people who are very particular about their gun rights, anything less than an "A" rating is an anti-gun stance.' "

     d)  [Said another Wisconsin legislator]:  " 'Who in their right mind could be asking for something like this [a Wisconsin amendment stretching Stand Your Ground from inside your house to areas outside your house]? . . . If someone takes a late-night dip in your swimming pool, does that mean you should shoot them?' "    

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