Thursday, May 31, 2012

Best Single Op-Ed Page All Year: 1, 2, 3

Thu. May 31, 2012:

Reasonable Republicans & Democrats must be frustrated by:
Gun massacres -- over & over --  in U.S. life, NRA's policy toward such incidents is "No Comment";
Sexual abuse of children, and cover-ups -- over & over -- by Roman Catholic clergy;
Billions of dollars spent [wasted?] on 2012 political campaigns [instead of cutting national debt?].

Fed up?
One op-ed page [NYT p. A21 in Tues. May 29, 2012] has 3 uncommonly thought-provoking pieces:

1.  David Brooks, "The Role of Uncle Sam" -- federal government's role since Hamilton?

2.  Sanford Levinson, "Our Imbecilic Constitution" -- too much reverence for an outdated document?

3.  Joe Nocera, "The Simplicity Solution" -- curbing Big Banks even better than Dodd-Frank?

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