Thursday, May 24, 2012

Starting Today: Short Must-Reads for the Busy

Fri. May 25, 2012:

Estimable Readers:  Your top priority, from a letter to the NYT editor:

Ann Romney is quoted as saying of running for president that the Romneys both “felt it was what God wanted them to do.”
That perception always reminds me of Susan B. Anthony’s comment: “I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.”
Fort Collins, Colo., May 20, 2012
Next best:
1.  Crucial to our financial future:  Why USA's big banks are not as necessary as they say they are.
Edouardo Porter, "Economic Scene:  The Modest Worth of Big Banks"

2.  Both Dems & Repubs Miss the Point on Romney's Private Equity Firm "Bain Capital."
        A.  Steven Rattner, "Tall Tales About Private Equity"
"Mr. Romney himself has been foolishly re-weaving history to claim . . . that he helped create 100,000 jobs during his time at Bain.  In fact, Bain Capital -- like other private equity firms -- was founded and managed for profit:  ideally, huge amounts of gain earned legally and legitimately.  Any job creation was a welcome but secondary byproduct."

        B.  Julie Creswell, "Political Ads Don't Tell Full Story on
              Private Equity"
"The industry has done a terrible job of explaining what it does, and now it has this bright spotlight being shown on it that no one really ever anticipated."


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