Saturday, May 5, 2012

FINALLY! A Clarion Call About U.S. Politics 2012

Sat. May 5, 2012:

Desperate Readers:  Before you do another thing, drop everything & Praise the Lord.
At long last, there appears to be a "Hello Out There."
Thomas Mann & Norman Ornstein, It's Even Worse Than You Thought [2012].
Aimed at us few millions who feel that both the Democrats and the Republicans are dangerously full of bullbleep, and we better fix the whole system.

Too busy for a whole book?  Okay, but at least scroll all the way down for some reviews:

Still skeptical?
For Exhibit A:
Contrast this partisan counter-attack ad, answering another partisan ad.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the response to the Koch-suckers' ad. But why won't the Obama campaign call a LIE a LIE?
