Monday, May 21, 2012

Refusing Despair Despite 2012 Election Trends

Mon. May 21, 2012:

Important reading assignment, Dear Readers:

1.  George Packer, "Six More Months," in The New Yorker of May 14, 2012:  The election will be an interminably long slog, given the already uninspiring campaigns of Romney and Obama.

2.  Dan Balz, "The Missing Issue in the Presidential Campaign," in the Washington Post of May 19, 2012:  No matter who wins, can Washington govern?

3.  Jeffrey Toobin, "Money Unlimited: How Chief Justice John Roberts Orchestrated the Citizens United Decision," in The New Yorker of May 21, 2012:


Together, these may take you an hour -- maybe more.  But if you care about our U.S. of A.,
they are worth it.

1 comment:

  1. this is an excellent post for those of us who havent got the time to sort thru the media... thanks for the bites
