Friday, May 18, 2012

The Mann/Ornstein Book: Sold Out in Bookstores

Fri. May 18, 2012:

A casual glance at newspaper headlines for the last two days requires Straight Talk beyond McCain's express:  The Republican party of 2012 is perversely cruel on issue after issue.  Maybe that's why Thomas Mann's & Norman Ornstein's It's Even Worse Than It Looks is sold out in many bookstores right now.

Wednesday's & Thursday's papers:
1.  House Speaker John Boehner has again announced that he & his Congressional Republicans will not agree to raise the debt ceiling without massive spending cuts and NO revenue increases from taxes.
2.  Climate Change Deniers:  "European scientists in the 15th century agreed that the earth was the center of the universe.  That didn't make it true."
3.  Texas has executed 482 people since it reinstated the death penalty in 1982.
4.  Alabama's anti-immigrant law:  Its architects are pushing it in other states, although it should be declared unconstitutional if the 5-4 Supreme Court ever makes a correct decision.
5.  JP Morgan's Jamie Dimon still claims that Volcker Rule regulations are not necessary -- despite the fact that such unregulated Wall Street gambling helped cause the suffering of innocent Main Street millions.
6.  Legalized handguns for neighborhood-watch.
7.  Stop-and-frisk police tactics.
8.  "Add fish and oceans to the long list of environmental issues that House Republicans do not much care about."
9.  Slashing school budgets, in the face of an unprecedentd new "majority," of nonwhite U.S. childbirths.
10.  On Romney-style teenage bullying:  "How come the thin-skinned kids nowadays can't handle the bullying that made us better, stronger adults?" one man twittered Nicholas D. Kristof.


  1. GOP motto, in their hated French "Sauve Qui Peut."
    Meanwhile, if you haven't read the book cited above, here's an interview with the authors:
    read now.

  2. We're gonna need an uplifting entry tomorrow, Edwin. This one sucks balls.
