Thursday, May 17, 2012

Republicans = Machiavelli Reincarnate?

Thu. May 17, 2012:

Dear Readers,
Earlier posts have already laid out several reasons to despair for our country's (and planet's) future.
So, no need to rehearse them here.
Still, it is hard to see how either the USA or Planet Earth will improve, whether Obama or Romney win the 2012 presidential election.

But let's try optimism:
If the Romneys win despite Bain buyouts, flip-flopping, teen bullying, working moms with cadillacs & garage elevators, Machiavelli could see it as a Good Thing.
Machiavelli's prince needs to be rich, ruthless, sneakily efficient, offering no checkable details/promises.
His party certainly qualifies, if not Mitt himself.
Consider its success in proliferating terms like "Obamacare" and "Democrat" [not "Democratic"] majority in the Senate.
Consider state-level stealth campaigns to redistrict and to disenfranchise legal voters without IDs.
Consider its obstructionism in Congress [on annual deficit/debt bargains, gutting Affordable Care, gutting Dodd-Frank, ad infinitum], which seems to hurt Obama as much as House & Senate Republicans.
Consider Republicans' campaign finance windfall from its 5-4 Supreme Court majority Citizens United decision, and likely the impending "unconstitutionality" ruling on the Affordable Care Act.
Consider Republicans' sense of humor, as they outmaneuver Democrats over & over, at every level:
Current Republican Joke:
{There are less than seven months until election day when the people will

decide who will be the next President of the United States . The person
elected will be the President of all Americans, not just the Democrats
or the Republicans. It's time that we all need to come together, Democrats
and Republicans alike, in a bi-partisan effort for America.
If you will support Mitt Romney, please drive with your headlights ON
during the day.
If you support Barack Obama, please drive with your headlights OFF at
Together, we can make it happen.}

Don't like gridlock?  Republican meanness toward the disenfranchised, the impoverished, and the voiceless could soon control the presidency AND both Houses of Congress AND the Supreme Court AND most governorships AND state-houses.
Then, the cruel Darwinian efficiency will replace gridlock.
Machiavelli:  For a prince to gain power & keep power, he must be both a lion & a fox in amassing scary power and cunning.

How close are we, to this Machiavelli scenario actually happening?
See David Brooks's daunting forecast:
And see an Obama-sympathetic NYT political analyst's whistle-in-graveyard assessment:

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