Saturday, July 21, 2012

Do-Gooders vs. the Bullies: The Liberal Side

Fri. July 20, 2012:           [PART 2:  Bullies in Red, Wimpy Do-Gooders in Green]

The Bullies are well-represented in last week's New York Times issues.
And the Wimpy Do-Gooders sound off against them:

1.  Labelling Obama "un-American" towards entrepreneurs & "successful business people."
John Sununu:  "I wish Obama could learn to be an American."

Ad-makers in both campaigns are actually proud of their lies, because it makes them look "tough."
See Maureen Dowd, "Who's On America's Side?"

2.  Disdain for the 30,000,000 uninsured in health care.

Bill Keller, "Five Obamacare Myths"

3.  Senate Republicans filibustering to death a bill to demand transparency in political fundraising -- a point that even conservative Justice Scalia & the 2010 Citizens United 5-4 majority in the Supreme Court recommended!

NYT editorial, "The Power of Anonymity"
U.S. Campaign Finance regulations are an absolute mess:
Jonathan Weisman, Tax-Exempt Group's Election Activity Highlights Limits of Campaign Finance Rules"

4.  Willful blindness -- despite one hot-weather crisis after another -- against curbing
carbon emissions.

Mark Bittman, "The Endless Summer"

5.  Sean Hannity does a sympathetic interview with Trayvon Martin's shooter, George Zimmerman, who says he's sorry for the death but does not second-guess any of his actions that night.

6. this month posted a video that captured Gov. Chris Christie taunting a man who had apparently criticized the governor's battles with teachers one evening on the Jersey Shore.
As the man walked away, Mr. Christie, who was eating an ice cream cone, followed him, repeatedly hollering, "You're a real big shot" and "Keep walking," until another man put an arm around the governor and led him away.

The taunted man should have replied,
"My whole point is, I'm NOT a big shot.  You are the big shot, and you use your size to
bully the little shots who are just trying to teach New Jersey's kids."

7."If Little Else, Banker's Trial [of former midlevel banker Brian Stoker] May Show Wall St. Foolishness"


"Five years after he started 'crime suppression' sweeps that terrorized Latino neighborhoods across Mexicopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio is finally having to explain himself.
Not to TV crews in Phoenix or to fawning hosts on Fox News, but before a federal judge."

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