Thursday, July 12, 2012

Is It True? "GOP on the Evil Side of Every Issue"?

 Thu. July 12, 2012:


This blog is really, really trying to maintain common sense, fair-mindedness, and impartiality.
That said, does anyone else out there notice that the GOP seems to be on the evil, selfish, wrong side of every important issue?  And that most of the media -- in the name of "impartiality" --  is giving them a pass on it?  And that, if this continues, the country is going to be by far the worse for it?
Democrats are hardly blameless, but their sins usually take the form of Cowardice -- fearing to stand up for what is the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number.

Let us count the ways:

         A.  "Invitation to a Dialogue: Does Selfishness Rule?"  The GOP seems to stake out the selfish position on every single major issue, and it is working!   by Paul Nevins, author of The Politics of Selfishness [check reviews on]

         B.  "Appalachia Turns on Itself":  Coal miners vs. Environmentalists
One of the most remarkable examples -- in West Virginia -- of GOP success in persuading middle- and lower-class citizens to vote against their own interests:

         C.  "Heating Up"
More & more evidence, all around us, suggests that Global Warming is real, and is partly man-made.
Yet, obfuscation & sewing seeds of doubt are all-too-easy for those who want to discredit genuine scientific studies.



In the USA of 2012,  Liberalism appears to be in full retreat, and that they are taking a real beating.
This is made even more dramatic by the GOP's huge successes with #1 network Fox News, Rush Limbaugh-type radio from coast to coast, the #1 readership daily Wall Street Journal [just passed USA Today's offline readership], and tsunamis of superPac fundraising.

There is a very real chance that Republicans will win the presidency, the House, and the Senate in 2012, and soon thereafter will add a bigger majority to the Supreme Court.


          A.  "The Machine and the Garden":  Liberals need to assert a better theory than Conservatives'
"marketplace as well-oiled machine."

          B.  "Workingman's Constitution":  Liberals need to reclaim FDR's & LBJ's mojo, instead of cowering against the current Conservative onslaught.

          C.  "A Confucian Constitution For China":
Confucius suggested a better -- 3-chambered Congress --  form of government for China than USA's gridlocked and seemingly dysfunctional 21st-century "democracy" in Washington right now.

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